It is in some ways hard to believe that I have done all of these things and traveled all of these places. Compiling this list really puts things into perspective.
As for best and worst of 2005 I'd have to say the best things have been my articles detailing my court experience, the FBI visit, US Customs at the Canadian border and my experience trying to visit my brother in an Alabama prison.
Also, the political excitement since I announced my run for Governor of Alabama in 2006.

The worst thing that happened, by far, in 2005 was the arrest of Marc Emery, my mentor, employer and friend, at the request of the US D.E.A.
The D.E.A. is still attempting to extradite Marc to the US to stand trial for selling marijuana seeds from Canada. If they are successful and he is convicted he faces 10 years to life in a US Federal Prison.
I went to court in January but nothing happened.
Then I flew to Vancouver for some R&R and to visit Marc Emery and the rest of my co-workers for what was quite possibly the very last time.
Afterward I flew to Washington D.C. and attended the three day Progressive Democrats of America conference. It was disappointing because they addressed every issue caused by the drug war but never acknowledged that the drug war itself is the culprit.
Debated Cullowhee, N.C. Police Chief on Radio
Spoke at Felons Right to Vote conference in Birmingham hosted by Roberta Franklin.
Youthful indiscretion OUTLAWED!!
13 Palm Beach teens facing 15 years after undercover narcotics operation.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005 Palm Beach Blog Entry
News Anchor Can't Get Story She Wants on School Drug Busts
Marijuana activist sweeps into Jupiter promoting pot reform

WMNF Radio Interview
This is an NPR type radio quality stuff.
My part begins at 42:35
Exclusive Video Coverage
The Kids Aren't Alright!
In the land of "Champagne Wishes and Caviar Dreams" Loretta Nall discovers the "Kids Aren't Alright"!
Join Loretta as she travels to Palm Beach, Florida to talk with students attending highschools targeted in "Operation Old Schoolhouse".
You'll be SHOCKED at what the kids have to say.
Can you say HOMESCHOOL?
Dog intimidation at Alabama Protest
Dog intimidation at 02/12/05 protest at construction site of new private prison in Perry County, Alabama.
Yesterday I attended a sit-in in Perry County, Alabama. Uniontown, to be exact. We were protesting the building of a private prison.
Almost as soon as we arrived an SUV pulled up on the opposite side of the road and a clean-cut white man began to take pictures of us with a digital camera.
Then he rolled down his back window and a vicious, trained, man eating german shepherd dog stuck his head out and looked at us.
I told my fellow protesters that there was an undercover across the road with a dog and that photos of us were being taken.
About 10 minutes later as I was filming the sign being erected, and had my back to the road, I hear this god awful snarling, barking and snapping that couldn't have been more than a few inches from my head.
I turned rolling and saw this man is driving by just inches from us, he has the back window down and this dog is in full "IM GONNA EAT YOUR ASS MODE"!!
The driver had come over onto the shoulder of the road in order to get his dog closer to us.
This is the first time I have ever seen a dog used in a drive-by.
The Abu Ghraib pictures of dog intimidation came to mind.
It's still 1963 here.
Here are some still shots taken from what I videotaped.
Here's the raw footage.
Nall May Run as Libertarian Candidate for Governor
Lobby Session with Congressman Mike Rogers
Shits & Giggles
Loretta Nall Goes to Court
Hilarious recounting of my day in court.
FBI Pays Loretta Nall a Visit
I guess the F.B.I. didn't think what I had to say about court was so funny. That's cool. I don't think the way Jonathan Magbie died was funny. I guess we are even.
ABC News Video Coverage of FBI visit
Medical Marijuana Comes to Alabama
Marijuana Only Option claims One Alabama Woman
Auburn Plainsman Coverage
Crimson White Coverage
FOX 6 News Coverage
Guest speaker at Western Carolina University

My Western Carolina Host's
HWY 420 Cannabis Conference in Niagara Falls, Canada.

Med MJ Hearing
Med MJ Bill Passed in Judiciary Committee
MPP Medical Marijuana Conference w/Montel Williams

Remember all that trouble I had coming back from Canada last month?
Check this out!
An Encounter With Alabama Pardons and Paroles
Flew to NYC to network with DPA
Guest speaker at Jacksonville Hempfest
Supremes Say NO to Medical Marijuana
Alabama says,
Marc Emery Arrested by DEA
more here
and here
and here
Search warrant
DEA Press Conference on Emery Arrest
Tandy Admits Emery Takedown Political
US Marijuana Party Calls for Tandy's resignation
Were they after me too?
Original DEA Press Release
DC Prison Reform March Video
DC Prison Reform March Pictures
Guest speaker at Birmingham Unitarian Universalist Church on medical marijuana
Seattle Hempfest Video Coverage
Missoula Hempfest
I make "BUSTED"
FreeTalkLive Radio
Release of my election platform
The Great Prison Panty Rebellion of Alabama
This is what happens to me when I try to visit my brother in prison.
Loretta Nall Announces Run for Governor of Alabama
Back to court
Good Local Court Coverage
Straw poll
Kevin Elkins Show
Auburn Plainsman
Loretta Responds
AP Article
WSFA Coverage
Local Blog Coverage
Tuscaloosa News
Crimson White
Participated in Birmingham Anti-war rally
DPA Conference in Long Beach
Decatur Daily
Speaking at Auburn University
Riley to focus on prisons
Drug Policy and Prison reform become major Issues in Alabama Election
Jonathan Magbie Abuse exposed
Roy Moore at VFW
I'll be speaking there in March of 2006.
Moores wife seeks donations.
OK Y'all DIG DEEP and help me at least beat this guy.
MapInc archive of my LTE's & articles.
33 in 2005.
Looking ahead to 2006
Many exciting opportunities and challenges lie ahead for me in 2006. The legislature comes back into session on Jan. 10 and Governor Riley is trying to dedicate the first two weeks to prison and sentencing reform. There are 11 recommendations on the table from the most recent task force on prison overcrowding. No one seems to know exactly what they are right now. I'll be in session every day speaking for our side and pushing for real reform.
Also, our medical marijuana bill will be put back through committee to address the distribution aspect which is currently very flawed. As Executive Director of Alabamians for Compassionate Care I will be very busy making sure that patients have easy and safe access to medical marijuana in this state. It is bound to be a bloody battle.
At some point in January I expect I will have to appear in court again on the same charges that started all of this. Hopefully 2006 will bring closure to a case that never should have been.
Not that I am really complaining about how all of this got started. Look where it has gotten me. One of these days I may send a fruit basket and a Thank You card to the police in Tallapoosa County, Alabama.
But, it has dragged on long enough.
And, last but not least, is my campaign for Governor of Alabama. When my work in the legislative session has ended I will launch my walk across the state to meet the voters and gather the bulk of the signatures I need for ballot access.
I believe I can win this election even though I am well aware that the odds are not stacked in my favor. But I feel the rumbling undercurrent of dis-satisfaction among my fellow Alabamains and I hear what they say on the radio and in the newspapers. They are sick and tired of being unrepresented no matter who they vote for.
42% of Alabamians who are eligible to vote do not do so in any given election. On top of that about 10,000 Alabamians currently serving time in prison for felony marijuana possession and/or DUI can now vote while in prison and all of those who went before them on the same charges are also eligible.
I'd estimate that number to be in the 100,000 range if we look at just how many people have been to prison in Alabama on felony marijuana possession charges and or felony DUI's.
42% of eligible voters who don't usually vote PLUS a large number of formerly disenfranchised voters PLUS a candidate who speaks to their values (ME!) EQUALS complete HAVOC for the Republicans and Democrats and a possible victory for our side.
That is a lot of potential votes and in a three way election....well let's just say things are bound to get real interesting.
This is going to be the most entertaining election in Alabama in a very long time.
A HUGE Thanks is in order to everyone who has helped me achieve all that I have achieved in 2005 and who I sincerely hope will continue to believe in my efforts in 2006 and the years to come. Many of you came to my aid after Marc Emery was arrested. Many of you are supporters of my campaign and other work. All of you I consider my people. I hope that I can continue to make you proud.
We have entered a new era in drug policy reform. Politics is central and critical to acheiving our goals. More of us must enter the political arena. After all, who can represent us and our interests better than we ourselves can?
Please help restore America Starting with Alabama
Onward to 2006 and Happy New Year
In Liberty,
Loretta Nall
Vote Nall Y'all...It's Just Common Sense
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