I received an email earlier which claimed that Russ and Dee Fine of The Russ & Dee Show had been fired from 101.1 The Source FM. I emailed Russ Fine and he has confirmed that it is true.
According to Russ he and Dee were let go this morning without any explanation whatsoever. Russ feels it is politically motivated and a free speech issue. I do not have any more information at this time. I will say, however, that if it turns out to be politically motivated and/or a free speech issue I will fight on the side of Russ & Dee. I don't listen to their show on a regular basis and disagree with them on the majority of issues discussed....but I damn sure believe in their right to voice their opinion. They have come to my aid more than once and if anyone understands that we no longer really have free speech in this state and country then it's me. Remember I went to jail for writing a letter to the editor.
Stay tuned for updates and for suggestions on what you can do if it turns out that something needs to be done.
14 hours ago
Well, does this mean that you have lost your chance to debate Riley and Baxley?
Yes this means I will not be on. I have no forum to answer the debate questions since Russ & Dee are off the air.
It seems that the Masons AKA Shriners are quite fond of censorship. I have a series of investigative articles looking into the Shriners' finances and their defamation lawsuit against a whistleblower and accountant at:
I'm very familiar with your articles on the Shriners in PA, very nice job on that one by the way. I can speak from experience on the Alabama Grand Lodge and it's denial of blacks to join. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this going on.
Loretta, just check out a few of the blogs about the Alabama Grand Lodge and you might be suprised at what you find.
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