(NOTE: The scroll bar is on the left hand side of the page...don't ask me why)
I greatly miss doing video production and have to get back into that method of outreach and expression ASAP.
Here are some pictures I took of the coca fields, oil pipelines, US aerial fumigated patches of dead rainforest, soldiers, FARC, AUC, graffitti and other horrid things (all a result of the US war on drugs) in Colombia, South America, mixed with other images of the U.S. war on Colombia and some Guns-N-Roses. Looking at it tonight I would have mixed it slightly different if I had it to do over again. Still a great 45 seconds of your time though.
Pop Culture strikes back when this ONDCP propaganda tape gets the USMJP treatment.
Spinning USMJP flag with deep bass.
Pumpkins meet Ogre in Catnip Bust
MAPS magazine cover
Turn your volume down for this one.
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