The following invitation is from the Matt Murphy radio program. I will be at this march tomorrow morning. I hope you will be able to join us!!
Loretta Nall
It’s time to tell the dirty politicians “Hello, NO!” They want a 62% pay raise before doing any of the people’s work in Montgomery this legislative session. We, at the Matt Murphy Radio Program and at 101.1 FM The Source, want to do something! Nothing less than a March on Montgomery will do the trick!
Matt Murphy and the Source are asking for concerned citizens to commit! It’s A March on Montgomery to stop this obscene pay increase! If you are as mad, then sign up with this link! By signing up, you are making a commitment to join US – the citizens of the State of Alabama - at a rally at the state house. Tuesday – March 20th, 2007! We’ll caravan, bus, ride, walk or crawl to the statehouse to show we know what’s going on and we’re NOT gonna take it anymore!!
More on the details soon! Right NOW. Commit to traveling to the Statehouse in Montgomery, Alabama!!! Lets see if Alabama can STOP the out of control lawmakers!
Matt Murphy
101.1FM The Source
Can you do me a favor and make a sign that says, "Free the Hops" for the event? I don't really care about pay raises, but I want some good beer!
It was a pleasure to meet you in person at the rally, Loretta. Hopefully the compassionate care bill will be better received than was the veto to the pay raise.
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