We will have our weekly training meeting on Friday, March 9 from 6 pm to 8 pm at Buffalo Wild Wings.
Located at:
Buffalo Wild Wings
840 Colonial Prommenade Pkwy
Alabaster, AL 35007
The Compassionate Care Act has been assigned the bill number HB 602. It is not yet on the calendar for judiciary committee.
Please bring as many people as you can round up. This meeting we will focus on the content of the bill and retouch on what we did at the last meeting. If you have a printer and can print your own copy of t he bill (13 pages) that would be great. We will have extras for those who do not have printing capabilities.
The bill can be located on the Compassionate Care website under the Compassionate Care Act link.
Hope to see you at the meeting on Friday.
Loretta Nall
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