Wheeler over at Alablawg gives us the skinny on a bill that would expunge misdemeanor records. I happen to think that is a great idea!
Brian over at Flash Point fills us in on the Democrat's torpedoing the PAC to PAC ban.
The Alabama Moderate has moved. Please update your links.
Rep. Patricia Todd has been blogging over at Birmingham Blues. Rep. Todd makes three Alabama legislators who have harnessed the power of the internet in an effort to inform voters about how things work in Government and to keep a close relationship with the public. I wish they would all create blogs and interact with us more often.
The other two legislative bloggers are Rep. Mike Ball and Rep. Cam Ward who both blog at Between the Links and and Doc's Political Parlor.
UPDATE: Don from Doc's Political Parlor has informed me that Rep. Randy Hinshaw also blogs there. Thanks Don!
Make it four legislators who contribute to Alabama blogs because Representatives Randy Hinshaw and Cam Ward both have a special "Notes from the Legislature" section on Doc's Political Parlor.
Thanks for letting me know about Rep. Hinshaw Don. I have updated the post.
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