It appears somebody slap whupped his ass too. YEEOOUCH!!! You can actually see the imprint of something rectangular on his forehead. I've made a game out of trying to guess what it was he got whacked with. A Louisville slugger maybe? A beer bottle? A 2x4? What do you think?
I know Joel. I have also had the very unpleasant experience of being around him when he is in his cups. I can totally see someone kicking his ass...Damn how humiliating. I hope he recovers.
Councilman arrested for public intoxication
Posted by Birmingham News staff April 07, 2007 16:08PM
Birmingham City Councilman Joel Montgomery, 50, who represents District 1, was arrested for public intoxication early Saturday on the city's Southside.
He is chairman of the city's Public Safety Committee.
A report released Saturday said that an officer on routine patrol saw a man sitting in the middle of a parking lot at 14th Avenue South and Cobb Lane at 2:25 a.m. Saturday. He was suffering from lacerations to the upper torso. Paramedics arrived and said the man, identified as Montgomery, needed further medical treatment at a hospital.
The officer said he showed signs of being intoxicated and demonstrated that he was a danger to himself and others. Montgomery was arrested, taken to Cooper Green Hospital and then to the Birmingham City Jail.
Jail records show that he was booked into the jail at 4:40 a.m. Montgomery was released about 8 a.m. after posting a $200 bond.
Efforts to reach the District 1 councilman for comment today were unsuccessful.
How about the butt of a police officer's pistol. That'd do it.
Hmmm...could be the butt of a pistol...but it would have had to have been a big'un. Maybe it was a billy club or perhaps t he policeman's flashlight.
I can almost hear the conversation in my head..."You can't arrest me you dumb sumbitch...I'm a city councilman and chair of the public safety committee. I....
The BHAM News is reporting this morning that an unidentified female companion reported that he tripped stepping off of a sidewalk.
Uh huh. Musta been more like a loading dock or a balcony with some trees between it and the ground. I also wonder who the unidentified female companion was??
Taking a nose dive straight into the asphault will do it.
...and the winner of the Ron Jeremy look alike contest is...
"Ron Jeremy look alike"
I don't know Jen...maybe if somebody gave him a hard shove out of a third story window.... I think somebody got a bait of his never-ceasing pie hole and whacked the tar out of him.
Ya know...it could also have been either the iron skillet or the rolling pin when his wife caught him with the 'unidentified woman'.
It does sorts resemble a rolling pin when you look at it just so...bet it was one of those nifty granite ones.
Loretta, you beat me to it. I figure his wife whomped him across the face when she found out about the "unidentified woman".
Stepping off a sidewalk -- face meets parking meter, maybe? or a car's side mirror?
Cell phones have gotten pretty small, but could still inflict some blunt-force trauma, applied with enough "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" initiative.
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