FYI: Contact Shana to volunteer for the straw poll.
Contact your friends and light up the lists and blogs!
Also can anyone attend the AL GOP straw poll @ Tuscaloosa Sat. 9:30-2 to vote for Dr. Ron Paul. If you reserve immediately a $35 ticket will be supplied and reserved FREE for you. (a free lite meal is furnished). We could set up carpools to cut down on expenses. I think you only need to show up and vote. I think you need to be an AL resident, 18 yrs, with ID.
It is imperative that 100 people step up and claim these tickets.Please email me at ASAP. We will do our best tohelp arrange carpooling as well if that is an obstacle. This is so important. You must be at least 18 and have a photo ID tovote.Two sponsors will be buying 110 tickets for the Alabama StrawPoll in Tuscaloosa for any Ron Paul supporter who wants one!!!Please read that again. We have 110 tickets to give away! We cannot waste this opportunity.
The strawpoll is Sat. Aug. 18th from 10am-2pm at the Bryant Conference Center which is off University Drive in Tuscaloosa.
If you guys can get the info to me about who's coming, I can have free tickets reserved for them. The doors open at 9:30 or so and there will be coffee and danishes available during the morning. Voting starts at 11am and then a box deli-style lunch is served at noon. Voting ends at 1-1:30.
I still have a LOT of tickets available for Ron Paul supporters to claim and I understand that more can be bought if we exhaust the 110 free ones. So PLEASE find as many people as possible to come vote for Dr. Paul. There should be room in some cars going to the poll.
For everyone who wants a free ticket I need the following info-
full name
phone number
email address
what meetup they're part of if they are
Shana Kluck
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