Monday, January 07, 2008

Save My Mentor Marc Emery

I don't know how many people who are current readers and supporters of my work are aware of my connection to Marc Emery, Canada's famed 'Prince of Pot'. Marc and I have an almost six year history and he is directly responsible for my entrance into drug policy reform and political activism. It was Marc who inspired me to run for governor and so many of the other things that I have done. I am about to post five videos titled "The US vs. Marc Emery" that is a Canadian Public Television production that documents the case against Marc. He is facing life in a US federal prison for selling marijuana seeds through the mail. Please watch the videos and then contact the Canadian Justice Minister and politely ask him to block the extradition of Marc Emery. Marc's extradition hearing begins on Jan. 21. If he is sent to the US he will die here in a government cage. Every day this month leading up to the extradition hearing I am going to post about Marc, about our history together, our activism together and what a great person he is and why he does not deserve to die for selling seeds to willing buyers of a plant that will not kill you.

Marc, I love you...always will, and I intend to fight like hell to keep you in Canada.


Anonymous said...

Loretta I'm 100% behind you! My letter to the Canadian Justice Minister is in the mail. Marc
Emery must not be allowed to become fodder in the ill-advised so-called U.S. War on Drugs (I wouldn't mind if they switched to fighting the pharmaceutical companies, instead of a natural herb that has been used in healing for centuries).

Love 'ya, Loretta. Keep up the good fight!

Peace, Love, Respect,

Marc Scott Emery said...


You are my greatest of protege, and I adore you. Your work for liberty and the basic dignity of the people, whether in Alabama or Colombia or America, always has made me proud. You are a great American, a true citizen and patriot, and a great writer.

Proud to be your mentor,

Marc Emery

Marc Scott Emery said...


You are my greatest of protege, and I adore you. Your work for liberty and the basic dignity of the people, whether in Alabama or Colombia or America, always has made me proud. You are a great American, a true citizen and patriot, and a great writer.

Proud to be your mentor,

Marc Emery

Anonymous said...

I want to thank Marc Emery for everything he has done. I have emailed friends and will continue.

Thanks, Jon Garcia
Opelika, AL