They sure are lovey, dovey....and that kid looks damn near under age....I'm just sayin'
15 hours ago
A place to interact with political activist and former Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate, Loretta Nall. This blog covers Alabama politics, drug policy reform with emphasis on marijuana laws, medical marijuana, prison reform, voting rights, equal rights for gays and lesbians, ballot access reform and other social justice oriented issues.
Do we need a CSI guy to read the blurry name tag or will you reveal the young male's identity?
I'm afraid we'll need a CSI guy or gal for this one. I have no idea who it is.
Suh-weet! They look cozy.
YOu don't know who he is? Was I mistaken in in inferring that he was the gay lover you mention?
anon...I don't know who the young man in the picture is. Could be nobody. Just thought it was an interesting photo. This is the alleged lover.
Well...I'd say Troy King needs to get some tie instructions and lessen the length of that tie by an inch or two....or am I paying too much attention to the wrong part of the picture?
1. Where did this picture come from?
2. Who took the picture?
3. Why won't the picture who took the picture say who it is in the picture?
4. When was the picture taken?
5. Where was the picture taken?
Isn't it entirely possible that this is a picture of a young man at a function who is in awe of a young attorney general and wanted his picture taken with him?
previous anon...yes, that is entirely possible.
To answer your other questions..
1. This picture was sent to me by a friend of mine who found it on photobucket
2,3,4 & 5 Unknown
#3 should have stated "who is the 'person'"
Thanks. I thought photobuckets had names attached. Can no one find whose photobucket it was?
Wouldn't it be a real news worthy story if it turned out he has or has had an underage relationship and gets the honor of being on the Sex Offender Registry and being subjected to all the biased rules and opinions he's put into place? Remember his promise that no child in Alabama would be harmed? LOL !
What a creepy man that Troy King is. It looks like a hand slithered in that kids jacket from behind. That fellow is wearing an unusually large jacket, no? Great blog, by the way.
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