Recently my car insurance lapsed for about a month. During all of that time I scurried fearfully from one place to the next terrified that I would come up on a license and insurance check. Thankfully, for my pocketbook, I was able to avoid that. A couple weeks ago I got my insurance back and two days ago I got my cards to carry in the car and 'present on demand'.
Yesterday, while driving to pick my husband up from work, guess what I ran into? Yep...a license check.
I was all like, "HA I am LEGAL you bastards!...You won't extort $600 from me today."
I stopped the car, got my license out of my bag, got my insurance card out of the dash, rolled my window down, and.....the damn State Trooper waved me on through without even glancing at my 'papers.'
I was like, "What? No. Uh Uh. There is no way that just happened!" I wanted to stop the car, get out and DEMAND that my papers be looked at. "TAKE IT! TAKE IT!" It just doesn't seem right that I lived in fear for a month or so that I would be asked for my papers, then got the papers that make me street legal again only to face rejection by a State Trooper.
What is this world coming to?
From a NY Times story
18 hours ago
So you want us to be living in a "Paper's Please!" society? We're slowly turning into 1940s Germany anyways...
No William...I was being sarcastic.
They can tell from your behavior that you had everything. You would have exhibited very different behavior last month.
maybe anon...but I've tried to fake them off before and it never worked. Besides...without looking at the piece of paper I had in my hand they have no way of knowing if I actually have insurance or not.
See what you get for not being Mexican.
LMAO!!!!! Loretta, you have a very recognizable face. Heck if that Trooper was going to get caught in Troopergate LOL.. He knows you address the law, and he probably thought he might end up on your blog LOL..It is aggravating to have all of your papers together, and they wave you on. Recently I was stopped in a license check and couldn't find my paper in my dash because I had too many other things there. I had to sit on the side of the dang road, with those WHO DIDN'T HAVE THEIRS, and look for a min. I DID produce it, and was able to run along. I guess we should be thankful that they DO check every now and then, because they have been known to catch some true criminals by checking vehicles.
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