There is a horrific news story breaking out of Northwest Georgia. A young preacher who was not the target of a botched drug raid was shot while in his car trying to get away. The preacher had just dropped off a woman who was the target of the drug raid.
The preacher went into the store and used the ATM after dropping the woman off. He then went back outside and got in his car to leave when plain clothes cops jumped out of an SUV and opened fire on him. They shot him through the liver and he crashed his car and died. The cops told his 4 month pregnant wife that he died in an accident. They failed to mention they shot him and caused the wreck.
Here is the video.
My husband and I will be traveling to the preacher's church in Toccoa, Georgia on Sunday to talk with the members.
A Civil Rights Event in Montgomery on Friday
9 hours ago
Wow, that's crazy. And of course the police lied to try to get away with their stupidity. What were they thinking, shooting at a vehicle when they couldn't identify who was in it? And why were they shooting first and trying to arrest? Too weird.
While not nearly so serious, something similar happened in a North Alabama County last year. An innocent woman, who worked for the target's wife, was attacked (that's the only word for it) when she got to work.
Officials later stated they wanted this woman there as a witness and she was collateral damage. She sustained injuries to her back and severe emotional distress. At least she lived.
The authorities recovered a small amount of meth. Twenty officers in all participated. Our tax dollars at work.
Put this story on youtube the world needs to know what is happening to the men of GOD
Maybe it's time we get a memorial started for the victims of the WOD. something like the aids quilt or the empty boots thing they have done during war protest's. I first thought of trying this after jonathan magbie was killed by that wretched excuse for a judge up in DC a few yrs back. this story here has got me thinking about it again, people in america need to be reminded daily of the innocent lives that have been lost in the WOD becuase of over aggressive narc's who dont take the time to think before they act or kill ..
That's an excellent idea anon. I went to DC and stood outside Judge Retchin's courtroom witha huge banner that said "JUDGE RETCHIN IS GUILTY OF JUDICIAL HOMICIDE".
The federal agent who drove Magbie to jail stopped one day and told me with tears in his eyes that he knew that Magbie didn't belong in jail and that he felt horrible about taking him. He siad he did it anyway and when he heard Magbie had died he felt responsible. He was incredibly remorseful.
So, what are some good ideas for a "Victims of the Drug War" memorial?
I have been kicking the idea around in the back of my mind for a while now but have not really talked about it to any one yet , My son just started his freashman yr. at UoA tusc. [ political science] and is starting to get involved with the WOD. i will see
if i can get some idea's
from him and others from his age group they seem to have a better
grip on what get's people's attention these day's than i do.but
what ever it is it will have to be something that people cant just ignore but it cant turn people away like one those wingnuts with a pic of a dead fetus at a womens health center. something that will confront but also inspire to act.
not the just the people who have been affected directly by the WOD.
I will lyk what idea's we come up with. good luck with the egg's peace Jim
Loretta, what did you learn from the members of that preacher’s church, if anything, in Toccoa, GA yesterday?
Loretta, what did you learn from the members of that preacher’s church, if anything, in Toccoa, GA yesterday?
Don, I didn't make it over there yesterday like I had planned. I do plan to go over in the next month or so. Toccoa is close to Jefferson Ga where Tommy Bently recently called for caning and executing those associated with marijuana. I'd like to round up some folks and make a big fuss over Bently's remarks and the death of the preacher.
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