Yesterday Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas...Go Ron Paul Go!!) and Barney Frank (D-Mass) introduced a bill in the House Judiciary Committee that would remove marijuana from the schedule of controlled substances and leave it up to the states to regulate.
Marijuana bill introduced in US House
HB 2306 is not yet available on THOMAS the congressional website similar to our ALISON.
Already the chair of the House Judiciary Cmte., Rep. Lamar Smith is rattling his drug war saber, saying that he will not put the bill on the calendar. Sound familiar? He also said a bunch of other backwards thinking nonsense in his dismissal of this much needed legislation.
I need you to do two things.
1) Contact Rep. Lamar Smith's Office in Washington and demand that he give this bill a fair hearing. Here is his contact information. Go to link below to email him and please also give him a call. Pass this along to everyone you know.
Rep. Lamar Smith
Washington D.C. Office
2409 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
2) Go HERE to send a letter to Rep. Lamar Smith and your own US Rep. asking them to support this bill. Pass this along to everyone you know.
We are fast approaching the majority in this country. They cannot deny the will of the people forever. Make sure your voice is heard.
Stop tRump.
1 day ago