The following LTE appeared in the The Tuscaloosa News this morning.
My response follows.
I encourage you to please write a response as well.
Drugs aren’t Libertarians’ top issue
Robert Workman
October 20. 2005 3:15AM
Dear Editor: I find it very disturbing that the only knowledge many people ever receive of the Libertarian Party is its stance on the legalization of drugs. This problem is further compounded its association with candidates who make this issue their campaign’s focal point; for example, we were recently informed that Ms. Loretta Nall, the 31-year-old president of the U.S. Marijuana Party, is seeking the Libertarian nomination for governor of Alabama.
While Ms. Nall is correct that current drug policy is shortsighted, the citizens of Alabama would be much more supportive of a candidate who focuses on restoring all levels of government to their Constitutional limitations rather than harping on drug policy.
The Libertarian Party should focus on eliminating the current system of forced wealth redistribution in which productive citizens are taxed to support nonproductive citizens; the party needs to campaign on eliminating the unconstitutional restrictions on the right to keep and bear arms for law abiding citizens; it needs to work on eliminating the unconstitutional restrictions on political speech codified in the McCain-Feingold Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act; it should work to ensure that citizens have true freedom of religion rather than the current state of two sides pushing equal extremes. In short, the Libertarian Party needs to offer a free-market alternative to the socialism and socialism-lite given as choices by the Democrats and Republicans (respectively), and once the American people see that real freedom can and does work, then we can talk about drug policy.
Dear Editor, Tuscaloosa News
In response to "Drugs aren't Libertarians' top issue", I'd like to invite all of your readers to take the time and investigate the claims made by the media that my campaign for Governor is about drug policy reform and nothing else.
Drug policy reform is a sexy, controversial topic that helps to sell lots of newspapers and get's more people to tune in to the 6 o'clock news. I freely admit it is a very important issue to me and thousands of other Alabama families, but it is far from my only issue.
Most of the other issues the writer mentioned are planks in my platform that have not been reported on by the media.
For instance, my other planks include States Rights, Non-Compliance with the Patroiot Act and REAL I.D., calling for the Alabama National Guard troops to be returned home, no gun control laws, check-box style governing system, legal lottery and casino gambling run by private enterprise, Initiative and Referendum, Ballot Access reform, privatizing public schools and lifitng restrictions on distilleries that produce wood and grain alcohol and encouraging increased production of bio-diesel so that Alabama families might produce their own fuel or start community co-op's for that purpose.
In Liberty,
Loretta Nall
Nall for Governor 2006
Nall for Governor
From a NY Times story
20 hours ago
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