Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Alabama Bloggers Roundup

Dan over at Between the Links has a number of great articles with commentary on recent political happenings in the Alabama Senate, a running tally of all of Attorney General Troy King's major fuck-ups (they are getting to be numerous)and an article from the Birmingham News against a payraise for our legislators. Well, at least the BHAM News got something right for a change.

Jeff over at Politics in Alabama gives us a rundown on the Inaugurationand tells us about the new house he and his wife are buying. Congrats on the new house Jeff!!

BlueGal is stocked with her usual hilarity and brilliant commentary on US politics and, as always, panties.

Bitter Old Punk is MIA since early November. Hey man if you're out there let someone know you are alive....would'ya?

Wheeler at AlaBlawg has some other opinions on Attorney General Troy King, and some great clips on the new war on trans-fat in doughnuts.

Kathy over at Birmingham Blues is mourning the loss of her beloved father. You and your family are in my thoughts Kathy.

Alabama Moderate has a state political roundup as well.

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