Monday, February 05, 2007

Million Marijuana March in Alabama?

Dear Friends,

Every year on the first weekend in May drug policy reformers across the globe hold something called a million marijuana march to protest the drug war. I have been working on marijuana policy reform in Alabama since 2002 but I have never organized one of these events. I have always been invited and traveled to speak out of state at other's events. As marijuana has always been my main focus, and I am no longer running an election campaign, I plan to focus all of my energy on both medical marijuana legislation and marijuana legalization overall, this year. It's way past time Alabamian's who are fed up with government policy towards marijuana and the drug war in general to march at home. Let's take it to their damn doorstep.

The purpose of this blog posting is to gage the support for such an event. Ideally, I would like to have it in Montgomery, AL with a march up Dexter Ave and speakers on the capitol steps. I want great theatrics. I think this would be a wonderful time to invite a LEAP representative down to speak. Having some patients speak, people who have been imprisoned or otherwise negatively impacted by the drug laws should speak, clergy, treatment folks, prison reformers, health care workers and anyone else we can think of who would benefit our cause. Having a legislator(s) there would be divine. I want music, info booths, bubbles, clowns, balloons and at least one person dressed up like a big joint! I'm talking serious street theatre.

In order to do this a great deal of work will have to be done between now and the first weekend in May. We need a permit for such a rally and there is a '15 day before the event' window for filing a permit. I would like to apply very early as I expect problems....I have had problems with Montgomery before regarding permits for a drug policy reform rally. I already have two volunteers in Birmingham that I met through my work in medical marijuana. They plan to reach out to local bands in their area to ask them to perform at benefit concerts and to mention our work between acts as well as other activities.

So my questions:

1. Is anyone interested in this idea at all?
2. Are you willing to volunteer time between now and May 5th to help organize this event and get the word out in your area?
3. What would you like this event to be? What would you like to see there? What would you like to not see there?
4. If you cannot travel to wherever we have this event are you willing to organize a similar event in your town?

Please respond with any feedback and ideas you might have and if you are willing to help.

Thanks in Advance,
Loretta Nall

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where will this event be held?