That makes me very unhappy. I am so sick of delays. This whole case is a complete police fabrication. The original testimony is replete with contradictory testimony from the key players, especially Eric McCain. I want to know how come a judge can't just read the hysterical lies that made up the police testimony contained in the transcript and say, "This is bullshit" and throw it out? Why does the prosecution get to get away with continually pursuing this case when anyone with eyes and even half a brain can see that what the police, DA and Judge did was illegal? Why must they waste more taxpayer money prosecuting a case that they will not win?
I know it is in my best interest for this case to drag on so long that no one will remember what they said or did oh so many years ago. But, dammit, I want justice. I want these people to pay for what they have done to my family and I want to ensure that they never do it to anyone else ever again. At least not in this county. And I won't rest until I get it.
I hope when this is finally thrown out of court that you sue everybody involved! These bastards should pay!
Hang tough, Loretta. They'd love to wear you down to the point that you'd accept some plea deal so they could avoid the embarrassment of a jury trial.
"I want to know how come a judge can't just read the hysterical lies that made up the police testimony contained in the transcript and say, "This is bullshit" and throw it out? Why does the prosecution get to get away with continually pursuing this case when anyone with eyes and even half a brain can see that what the police, DA and Judge did was illegal? Why must they waste more taxpayer money prosecuting a case that they will not win?"
While this appears to be the million dollar question the answer is, in my opinion, rather simple.
The “State” as represented by all these assholes like the “Judge”, the “District Attorney”, the “Police” and the entire cast of vermin can never, even for a second, let it be known that the “State” is in anyway fallible. Just the mere thought that the “State” is capable of fuckery could bring down the whole house of cards. People would start to ask real questions and not just be satisfied with the Chinese menu of bullshit answers served up from the highest levels of “government” and shoved down our rice holes by the bought and paid for media.
The people are the sworn enemy of the “State” and in a “democracy” like ours the “State” must constantly and with out hesitation and without regard to the consequences maintain control by convincing the masses of sheeple grazing on frozen dinners across the fruited plains of the mighty powers of government. Stalin said that ideas are as dangerous as guns and we certainly don’t let them have guns. The idea that the “State” could ever be lest than benevolent and eternally good will be defended to the death.
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