I've tried to watch the following video of a SWAT team in Missouri breaking into a home, firing seven rounds into the family dogs, while the small children looked on, and then charging the parents with child endangerment, because they had a couple joints in the house....but I can't do it. It is too disturbing and horrible and ...God I just don't even have a word for it. But, I implore those of you, especially those of you who think you support the goddamn drug war, to watch it. Are you proud of what your tax dollars are paying for? If you answer yes to that question then I hope your house is the next one raided because the cops got the wrong address (happens all the time), and that they kill your beloved puppies while your precious children look on.
There's more HERE
Send this to all your drug warrior friends.
I'll never understand how the cops think they are on the right side of this issue and consider themselves hero's.
Pre-tRump dummies.
14 hours ago
Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems to me that guys breaking into a home and shooting the dogs are putting the children in a lot more danger than a couple joints.
That is fucking sickening! And just out of curiosity, what danger did the corgie pose to the swat team? These sorry sacks of shit actually believe they are doing the public a SERVICE. When in actuality they ARE the problem.
My heart just sank. I'm doing all I can not to throw up and my body is shaking so bad. Fucking Gestapo motherfuckers.
The worst thing is that this happens every day in America and hardly anyone gives a damn. Check out TheAgitator where Radley Balko keeps a database of the puppycide being carried out by police every day.
It has become all too common a practice for cops to come storm trooping in and shoot the dogs outright. What is even sadder is that the public responds more to the dogs being killed than they do to the fact that people are also being killed and this shit is taking place in front of little kids. However, I did turn it off because I could not stand hearing the puppy in the background in so much pain. I love my dog. He is a part of the family and my best buddy. If that ever happened to him I don't know what I would be capable of doing in retaliation.
I'm surprised the fucking bastards didn't destroy the video. I guess they wanted the document their great police work. Land of the Free? Sad and sickening.
If this had taken place in Germany in the late 1930s or very early 40's, which I’m old enough to remember, and the cops were speaking German I might understand it.
This is 2010 in what is supposed to be a free nation, the USA, where citizens have rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, so I don’t understand how cops can get away with this without being prosecuted, convicted, and imprisoned.
I hate the police! These guys ancestors probably loaded Jews to the Camps! We need these bullies unarmed! Perhaps it is time for a NEW government. Vote! Vote Libertarian
I have never said this before. It even hurts to say. I hope each of those officers involved in this bust have there dogs shot and killed with there kids watching and see how they would feel. This is awful. It is strange how those that do harm to others serve less time then those like in this video. Makes you wonder how much of our tax dollars % wise is spent on these types of raids compared to the dollars being spent going after those that do harm to others.
Don, approximately 100-125 of the SWAT raids are carried out in the US every day under the guise of the drug war. We have become Nazi Germany because of the damn drug war and no one much gives a damn because the cops haven't kicked in their door and killed them or their family pets yet.
David...I wholeheartedly agree.
Kep...I'm right there with you. They will one day reap what they have sown. And that would be a great study to carry out on the money being spent going after harmless pot smokers vs. child molesters/murderers. Problem is the federal government doesn't give out BYRNE Grant checks to local police departments for every child molester and murderer arrested....they only give out fat checks for the number of drug arrests made. There is no financial incentive to get the real bad guys off the streets.
What happened to my country?
I just watched the beginning of this again. There was less than 10 seconds from the first knock til they bashed in the door and started shooting.
This could happen to any one of us!
They did it to a Mayor in Maryland who was 100% innocent.
And as Loretta points out, the Feds continue to pour money into this. Great economic stimulus.
It just makes my blood boil. And I'm an extremely laid back person.
there is a good chance that several of the cops were high on cocaine at the time of the raid itself.
they get it for free - and have an abyss of "moral justifications" for using it (I call it mental gymnastics, since they are affording themselves rights we all deserve while denying them of you).
plus, it's out of their body in 3 days. Most common drug for a cop to be on, after alcohol.
and they get in your face, on your news, and tell you how to run your lives.
or this will happen. and believe me, they want you to see this. they did it for an excuse to shoot the family members, and they'd like an excuse to shoot you, too.
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