~Sinclair Lewis~

Saw this unbelievable church sign while I was out riding today and had to snap a picture of it. It reminded me of the Sinclair Lewis quote above. Sinclair was right, as this sign shows. It often occurs to me that the people around here who loudly and often proclaim Christianity are absolutely no different than the Taliban. Religion and war go hand in hand to them. Here's another fitting quote...
"We have seen the enemy and he is us" ~Walt Kelly~
For some reason...I appreciate the old days when you had a simple billboard with your church's name and worship hours. When these fancy signs started showing up in the 1980s...you could see trouble coming. This bizarre quote thing is inviting trouble. Same thing with churches having 60" LCD TVs and PowerPoint presentations. There's something going wrong here.
The funny thing is the only US soldiers who died for US freedom were the ones who fought for independence from British rule and those who fought in WWII after we were attacked at Pearl Harbor. Every other war has been contrived by government based on greed, empire building, and global dominance.
I like your Christ, but your Christians are so unlike him." Mohandas K. Gandhi
I agree entirely with that Loretta. I have said it a million times. I used to teach history at the college level so I have a pretty good understanding of American history and I agree entirely. I am getting really tired of being told that the reason I am free is because soldiers are fighting an unnecessary, bankrupting war in the Middle East, ooops sorry, two of them. I'd be just as free, no actually freer, if we were not currently at war. Great post!
Its those freedom haters "over there." King george told us about them at the same time he was saying mission accomplished. And, oh by the way, when is the big o going to fufill his campaign promise. Keep swinging Loretta, I am with you.
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