Pre-tRump dummies.
1 day ago
A place to interact with political activist and former Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate, Loretta Nall. This blog covers Alabama politics, drug policy reform with emphasis on marijuana laws, medical marijuana, prison reform, voting rights, equal rights for gays and lesbians, ballot access reform and other social justice oriented issues.
I was wondering the same thing...
Perhaps the more-pertinent questions
to ask are...
"WHO do I need to know...?"
"WHICH state do I need to relocate to?"
(California? Colorado? Oregon???)
Some time ago, I recall seeing
classifieds on the back page of
the local alternative-weekly news-
paper for "smokepotgetpaid_DOT_com",
however, I deem them questionable,
because no legitimate research
organization charges a fee for enrollment,
participation NOR a list of current studies...!!!
Poke Smot....I shall investigate what qualifications are needed and where one might have to relocate to secure a position of prestige like this one. I am more than willing, as is most every cannabis consumer in Alabama, to pack up and head to greener pastures that have less brutal summers and fewer prohibitionist morons. Will report back.
“William Breathes” rocks, but you, Loretta, would rock even more.
Thank you for looking into this...
I've watched the CNN news-video several times...
Primary qualifications mentioned were...
"Must have excellent grammar-skills"
and of course, the ability to distinguish
many and subtle nuances of
diverse medi-cann cultivars...
Also, a "creative" pseudonym is a MUST!!! ;-)
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