From a NY Times story
5 hours ago
A place to interact with political activist and former Libertarian Gubernatorial Candidate, Loretta Nall. This blog covers Alabama politics, drug policy reform with emphasis on marijuana laws, medical marijuana, prison reform, voting rights, equal rights for gays and lesbians, ballot access reform and other social justice oriented issues.
I hope that little girl's dog is found and in good shape. Losing a pet is like losing one of the family.
I would also like to report that your blog is now updating on Yahoo again. That's been broken for months now.
I was about to put one of these lost pics up of you Loretta.I check in almost every nite and its been a month and a half since the last post.What up?Anything new on the med mj bill?Hope yall find the dog.
Anon....The medical marijuana bill is dead for this year thanks to Rep. Jim McLendon being a total ass. I am about to blog the entire affair so check back soon for the sordid details.
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