(links fixed)
Dear Friends and Supporters,
The last 8 weeks of the 2006 campaign season are upon us. To me it does not seem like a year has already passed since I formally announced my intention to run for Governor of Alabama. So many wonderful things have happened and I have met so many new and wonderful people traveling the great state of Alabama. I guess it’s true that time flies when you are having fun. A very big part of me wishes that there were still another year at least before the election.
Despite not attaining ballot access I have not been ignored by the media in this election. The following is a list of articles and news coverage I have received in this election.
Campaign Appearances & Speeches
First Campaign Speech in Wetumpka
Speech to National Conference of Black Mayors in Selma
Candiate Forum at Annual PTA Convention
Speakers Corner Birmingham
Thursday Night Happy Hour in Roanoke
Media Coverage (Video) - There has been a great deal more televised media coverage than what is presented below, however, I have not been able to record or otherwise acquire copies of every piece.
TalkBack Live
Nall more excited about campaign than Baxley
For the Record
For the Record 2
For the Record 3
For the Record 4
WAKA Channel 8
MSNBC Coverage
Kim Hendrix Interviews Loretta Nall & Joe Copeland
Hoover Metro Kiwanis Club Recap
Kevin Elkins Show
Don Markwell Show
Lee Davis Show
90.7 New Rock Radio
Nall on 96 ROCK
Free Talk Live
Joe & The Poor Boy
Alan Colmes Show
WRMN Elgin, IL
Freedom Works Radio
WRMJ Wiregrass Radio
Nall Campaign Ads
Nall of KPFT Houston
Loretta Nall & Dick Clark on WAUD Auburn
Loretta Nall on the Bob Kincaid Show
Print Media
Local Hopes Run Will Influence Candidates
Get to Know Your 2006 Candidates
Nall Enters Alabama Governors Race
Marijuana Advocate Joins Race for Governor
Marijuana Party Head Seeks Governors Office
Election Buzz Heating Up
Archive of print media about me
Pot Bust Lights Fire Under State Candidate
Alabama Journalists Discuss my Anatomy
I Discuss Their Unprofessional Tactics
Colorful Candidates to fill 2006 Slate
Nall Still Running…Maintains Innocence
News Conference
Woman to Head Libertarian Ticket
Libertarians make it Official
Candidates Share Ideas on Schools, Taxes, Criminals
Gubernatorial Hopeful Flashes for Cash
Columbia School of Journalism
Boobs, Panties & Courage How Honest Elections Could Change Alabama
Nall #1 on Technorati for 48 Hours Top Ten for Over a Week
Birmingham Free Press
Once in a Lifetime
Nall Opposes Guard Troops on Mexican Border
More or Less
Drug Reformers Take Third Party Path in Bids for State Office
Nall; "I’m Not Dropping Out!"
Nall Looks to Ride Colorful Campaign
How I have Influenced the Debate
Weigh Changing Marijuana Law
Community Corrections an Investment in Future
Addicted to Prison
Crowded Prisons
Prison Commissioner Resigns
Tuskegee Sheriff; "Nall Right on Drug Policy!"
Prohibition Discussed on For the Record
There has been additional coverage by newspapers, TV and radio that is not available online but this list shows that I have had a major impact and that the media is very interested in my campaign and my ideas for Alabama. I have a number of other major events coming up in the month of October.
Oct. 10, 2006 - Speaking at the Sunrise Roatry Club on Highland Ave in Birmingham
Oct. 12, 2006 - Speaking at Auburn University
Oct. 14, 2006 - Speaking at a Prison Reform Rally in Montgomery
Oct. 24, 2006 - Univeristy of Alabama Birmingham Gubernatorial Debates
Oct. 29, 2006 - Speaking to University of Montevallo Progressive Alliance
Oct. 30, 2006 - Alabama Gubernatorial Debates in Montgomery. I have been completely excluded from participation so I will be setting up my laptop and video camera in the parking lot and answering the questions in Real Time over the internet. Thanks to modern technology it will really be impossible to exclude me completely.
Oct. 31, 2006 - Since I was excluded from participation in the debates the #1 Talk Radio Station in Alabama is giving me two hours on their morning show which reaches all of North and Central Alabama and has a very large audience. They do not like Riley or Baxley and this opportunity could give me a large boost at the polls on Nov. 7.
There will likely be a number of events and engagements in September as well. Many times I get last minute invites. I know that I am being profiled in the Opelika-Auburn News sometime before the election and I am also being profiled in General Surgery News on my stances on healthcare.
I have also found someone willing to make an in-kind contribution in the form of campaign ads which will stream from my website. These will be along the lines of "Celebrity Death Match...South Park" and will hold no punches when it comes to the other candidates in this race. I need your financial help to ensure there is enough bandwidth on the website for these ads as well as to air them on television if finances permit.
I hope that all of you who have made contributions, financial or otherwise, are proud of your candidate and the things that I have been able to accomplish with your support. Please consider making another contribution to this campaign and help me make the most of the remaining opportunities still ahead in this election.
If you would rather mail your contribution you may mail it to:
Loretta Nall for Governor Campaign
4633 Pearson Chapel Rd
Alexander City, AL 35010
I'll see you on the campaign trail.
Loretta Nall
Vote Nall Y'all...It's Just Common Sense
15 hours ago
Right on.
Keep up the good work Loretta.
Marijuana is Earth's Liberty.
God be with you.Good luck
election day!
From a friend
in O Canada.
GO GAL !!!!
Because of what I do (and you know what it is) I can't appear publicly to be takin' sides so this is an anonymous post, but you know I'm behind you.
Best wishes, as always, for ya'.
Loretta, please run in Ohio so I can vote for you.
You have my full support and best wishes for an unprecedented upset of the status go. Go Loretta Nall. I wish you were running in my state.
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