On May 21, 2006 I was invited to attend and speak at the Candidates forum hosted by The National Coalition of 100 Black Women in historic Tuskegee, Alabama.
I was the only gubernatorial candidate to show at the event. Lt. Governor Lucy Baxley did not show due to laryngitis. I had a touch of it myself but refuse to let such things stop me from addressing any crowd of Alabama voters who are kind enough, fair enough and interested enough to bother extending an invitation to the Nall for Governor campaign.
There were other candidates there for state and local office. Three of these candidates were law enforcement officers and their presence there worked so heavily in my favor by the end of the day that I am still somewhat speechless.
Here's how it all went down.
Being the highest ranking candidate there I was given the floor first. The audience was largely African-American Democrat with a white Democrat thrown in for good measure. I never know what kind of reaction I will get from an African-American audience when I come out with my positions on drug policy reform. They have lived in the war zone for many years and it can sometimes be difficult to get them to look at the issue from a different angle.
On the first go round I stated my platform planks in a two minute opening statement. I got a glazed over/shocked look from the crowd but no response other than that. Not a good way to start the day. Everyone else then took their turn at the podium.
There were three candidates for Circuit Clerk. One of these candidates was a veteran narcotics task force officer who made it a point to say over and over how much good he had done his community by fighting drugs.
There were two candidates for Sheriff. The Police Chief, Leon E. "Chief" Frazier, and Incumbent Sheriff David M. Warren, who is also the husband of a state legislator. Both of them started out anti-drug and seemed somewhat perplexed that my message was so different from theirs.
After all the candidates were done speaking the audience submitted questions on 3x5 cards. My first question was,
"What will be your first action if elected Governor?"
My answer was, "Make marijuana enforcement the lowest law enforcement priority for the entire state and fight for the release of all non-violent drug offenders."
Next up were the circuit clerk candidates and the question asked of them was, "We have murder cases that are over 5 years old that have never been investigated, we do not have enough judges, the court docket is so backlogged that no one gets a timely trial and the forensics lab is overloaded with drug cases. What are you going to do about this?"
At this point there was a great deal of "riding a bicycle around the room" from the candidates because they did not know what to say.
The candidates for Sheriff were up next and they were asked what their top priorities were.
The Police Chief: "I have cleaned up Macon County while I have been in office. I have reduced the drug trade and violent crime and if you elect me sheriff I vow to eradicate drugs in Macon County."
The incumbert Sheriff said something along the same lines but made no outrageous promises of complete drug eradication like the incumbent did.
The rest of the candidates answered their questions and then it was time for the final round of questioning and closing statements. I knew that somehow I had not connected with my audience like I usually do and I was not feeling great about any of it.
When I was called back to the mic I suddenly got very hot and my heart was racing. My last question was, "Can you really sign into law making marijuana enforcement the lowest priority?"
I looked into the eyes of my audience and I said,
"As Governor I would have a great deal of leverage because I would have veto powers. This can be done. It would take political negotiating and wrangling but yes I could get this done as Governor.
I want you to know that what I am saying to you today is not about the right to get high. It is not about the right to use drugs. It is about evaluating what we are doing to see if it is meeting its stated objective. I think we can all agree that the drug war has failed. We all want the same things. We want safe neighborhoods where there are no gangs, no violence, no people selling drugs to any kid that wants them in an unregulated market. We want to keep families together. If I were to sit down with our law enforcement officials today and have a rational discussion about the drug war you would see that we are all really on the same page. I am not anti-cop but I do readily admit that the drug war has fostered disrespect and contempt for law enforcement. I want our officers to be safe and to protect all of us from real crime."
"If you want your court system unclogged and able to deal with crimes like rape and murder then you have to address it by ending the drug war. If you want the forensics lab to devote its time to solving violent crimes with actual victims then you have to address it by ending the drug war. The drug laws actually create the crime that they were designed to protect us from. People who smoke marijuana do not belong in jail. Marijuana should be legal and available to adults. That would solve our prison crisis as most people in prison in Alabama for drug crimes are there for marijuana. It costs us $95 million a year just to house the marijuana smokers in Alabama's prison system. That is a lot of money that we could use to make things better for our state and our communities."
The police chief was up next and some brilliant attendee in the back submitted the following question to him.
"Just how exactly will you completely eradicate drugs from Macon county?"
The whole room giggled at that question and I spoke up and said "I swear I had nothing to do with it."
Chief Frazier gets to the mic and stands there for a minute looking at everyone, me included, and then he sighs big, shakes his head and says for all to hear, "It can't be done. Drugs cannot be eradicated from Macon county or anywhere else. Even if we put our military on the borders to stop "those Colombians" from bringing their junk in, even if we had missiles that could fly down people's chimneys we would never be able to eradicate drugs from anywhere."
Then he sat down.
His opponent was next up to address the question. Sheriff Warren looked at the audience and then at me and he said, "No matter what else you might think of Mrs. Nall's platform she is absolutely RIGHT on drug policy. It has filled our prisons to bursting, and it's YOUR KIDS who are taking the hits and getting sent to prison or shot down in the streets. We need to address drugs with treatment cause it ain't a problem for law enforcement. We got to do this different and I will do it different. If we want our courts to work, our prisons to work and our communities to be safer then we have to address drugs from a different perspective focused on treatment for those who need it. Prison is no place for a drug addict."
The incumbent Sheriff has my endorsement now. When he spoke those words he was like a preacher getting down on Sunday morning. He was feeling it and he knew it was right. I think he was just waiting for someone to give him an opening. The incumbent Sheriff even admitted that the drug war can never be won. The audience responded well to those little doses of truth and I felt them come alive and begin to get excited. I'd also like to add that Mark Allen Treadwell who is running for Circuit Court Judge ( and if he wins could potentially be the judge in my appeals case) was in attendance and was clapping along once the truth got rolling off the tounges of the candidates. That gives me hope that things really are about to change here.
Afterward the veteran of the Narcotics task force made it a point to shake my hand and wish me luck. The two candidates for Sheriff were engaged with other folks, they looked like they were discussing the sudden shift in drug policy and I thought it best to leave them to their constituients, and so I did not get the opportunity to speak with them. I will, however, be publicly endorsing Mr. Warren for Macon County Sheriff and I will be getting LEAP to send both of these gentlemen some literature.
So, yeah, maybe I do live in a trailer and I possess nothing more than a GED but I see the fruits of my labor pay off in a way that makes me richer than any person I know. There is no reward greater than success when your goal is justice for all.
There are many other things going on in Alabama right now. I am involved in a ballot access petition drive that has to be completed by June 6 in order for me to get my name on the ballot. Please watch this video of Democratic Candidate Joe Copeland and me , and keep in mind that he gets automatic access to the ballot while I have to use all of my resources to overcome massive hurdles because I refuse to sell out and run as a Democrat or a Republican. I deserve to be on that ballot as much as anyone else, my ideas make more sense than anyone elses and if I get my name on there I will win this election.
PLEASE MAKE A CONTRIBUTION to put me on the ballot in Alabama. I can make miracles happen with your support.
In Liberty,
Loretta Nall
Vote Nall Y'all...It's Just Common Sense
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Have Rooms in Montgomery for Petitioners
We have booked rooms at Days Inn in Midtown Montgomery for Saturday & Sunday. This is located on Zelda Road which is a mile and a half from the event site. If you are planning to help petition then we have floor space for you to sleep and rooms to take a break in during the day.
Thanks to those of you who have committed to being there and if there are others out there who would like to pitch in please let me know ASAP.
We have booked rooms at Days Inn in Midtown Montgomery for Saturday & Sunday. This is located on Zelda Road which is a mile and a half from the event site. If you are planning to help petition then we have floor space for you to sleep and rooms to take a break in during the day.
Thanks to those of you who have committed to being there and if there are others out there who would like to pitch in please let me know ASAP.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Montgomery Volunteers Needed for Jubilee Cityfest
I have a crew coming down to Montgomery this weekend to petition for signatures
at Jubilee Cityfest. I am looking for volunteers in that area as well. If you
live in or around Montgomery and would be willing to give me a few hours of your
time on Friday, Saturday or Sunday please email me and cc it to
This three day event will draw a few hundred thousand people and we could
literally knock out the remaining sigs and place my name on the ballot for
November 7th. If you believe in me and in my campaign and you have some time
this weekend please consider helping me by gathering signatures. We only have
until June 6 to get this done. This is CRITICAL!!! Please pitch in and let me
know you are going to pitch in so that I can coordinate with you on when and
In Liberty,
Loretta Nall .
at Jubilee Cityfest. I am looking for volunteers in that area as well. If you
live in or around Montgomery and would be willing to give me a few hours of your
time on Friday, Saturday or Sunday please email me and cc it to
This three day event will draw a few hundred thousand people and we could
literally knock out the remaining sigs and place my name on the ballot for
November 7th. If you believe in me and in my campaign and you have some time
this weekend please consider helping me by gathering signatures. We only have
until June 6 to get this done. This is CRITICAL!!! Please pitch in and let me
know you are going to pitch in so that I can coordinate with you on when and
In Liberty,
Loretta Nall .
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Kim Hendrix Interviews Loretta Nall & Joe Copeland
Kim Hendrix of WSFA Channel 12 Montgomery interviews Libertarian Party gubernatorial candidate Loretta Nall and Democratic hopeful Joe Copeland.
20 minutes Windows Media Video
20 minutes Windows Media Video
Friday, May 19, 2006
Loretta Nall on WRJM Tonight!
Tonight at 6 pm CDT I will be a guest on Talk of the Wiregrass.
For those of you in South Alabama tune into 93.7 to listen to the show. I can't seem to find a link for online streaming.
For those of you in South Alabama tune into 93.7 to listen to the show. I can't seem to find a link for online streaming.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Riley on Eminent Domain "“You know the road is coming, get out of the way."
Contact: Loretta Nall for Governor Campaign
c/o Alabama Libertarian Party
2330 Highland Ave.
Birmingham AL 35205
Phone: 251-650-2271
Cell: 256-625-9599
Email: cnall1@charter.net
Website: Nall for Governor
May 18, 2006-- Dadeville, AL - Gov. Riley will celebrate
opening the last section of US280, completing four
lanes from Birmingham to the GA line.
I doubt he’ll make any comment about those made
homeless and otherwise damaged by misuse of eminent
domain by the State of Alabama. While cases of this
sort of abuse by the State Lands Division against
mostly black and poor white citizens of our state were
more publicized – similar abuse by ALDOT is lesser
known because of the efforts of Bob Riley and friends.
Instances of this abuse took place on US280 in
Congressman Riley’s district, yet he did nothing to
defend civil rights of property owners impacted by
this federal highway project. Specifically, owners
were kicked out of their homes before they were paid
(still holding legal title to their property) so that
others could live in their house while owners were
homeless. At least one case is still ongoing in the
courts almost a decade later – no surprise given
ALDOT’s history of such great disregard for civil
When asked to stop this abuse, then Congressman
Riley’s responded by saying, “You know the road is
coming – get out of the way.” Mr. Riley may be
wealthy enough to let others live his home without
compensation waiting to finally be paid – but most
Alabamians are not.
This is an issue the Libertarians have always held
dear – the terrible treatment of our citizens must
stop. Of course, Messrs. Riley, Siegleman, et al like
to conspire with contractors they get campaign
contributions from to force people out of their homes
(before they are paid) to rub it in owners’ faces and
financially beat them into submission. It leaves more
money to abscond with in their manipulated bidding
process while claiming to save the taxpayers money.
The 5th Amendment states the private property cannot
be taken for private use and can not be taken for
public use w/o just compensation. Making people
homeless before they are compensated is wrong. Taking
private property (owners still have legal title to)
for housing highway workers without consent of the
owner is wrong.
It is time for a change, Vote Nall Y’all – it is just
common sense.
For more information please contact the Nall for Governor Campaign at 256-625-9599 or 256-874-2985.
Contact: Loretta Nall for Governor Campaign
c/o Alabama Libertarian Party
2330 Highland Ave.
Birmingham AL 35205
Phone: 251-650-2271
Cell: 256-625-9599
Email: cnall1@charter.net
Website: Nall for Governor
May 18, 2006-- Dadeville, AL - Gov. Riley will celebrate
opening the last section of US280, completing four
lanes from Birmingham to the GA line.
I doubt he’ll make any comment about those made
homeless and otherwise damaged by misuse of eminent
domain by the State of Alabama. While cases of this
sort of abuse by the State Lands Division against
mostly black and poor white citizens of our state were
more publicized – similar abuse by ALDOT is lesser
known because of the efforts of Bob Riley and friends.
Instances of this abuse took place on US280 in
Congressman Riley’s district, yet he did nothing to
defend civil rights of property owners impacted by
this federal highway project. Specifically, owners
were kicked out of their homes before they were paid
(still holding legal title to their property) so that
others could live in their house while owners were
homeless. At least one case is still ongoing in the
courts almost a decade later – no surprise given
ALDOT’s history of such great disregard for civil
When asked to stop this abuse, then Congressman
Riley’s responded by saying, “You know the road is
coming – get out of the way.” Mr. Riley may be
wealthy enough to let others live his home without
compensation waiting to finally be paid – but most
Alabamians are not.
This is an issue the Libertarians have always held
dear – the terrible treatment of our citizens must
stop. Of course, Messrs. Riley, Siegleman, et al like
to conspire with contractors they get campaign
contributions from to force people out of their homes
(before they are paid) to rub it in owners’ faces and
financially beat them into submission. It leaves more
money to abscond with in their manipulated bidding
process while claiming to save the taxpayers money.
The 5th Amendment states the private property cannot
be taken for private use and can not be taken for
public use w/o just compensation. Making people
homeless before they are compensated is wrong. Taking
private property (owners still have legal title to)
for housing highway workers without consent of the
owner is wrong.
It is time for a change, Vote Nall Y’all – it is just
common sense.
For more information please contact the Nall for Governor Campaign at 256-625-9599 or 256-874-2985.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
The Nall for Governor campaign is recruiting as many volunteers as possible for DooDah Day which happens this Saturday May 20 in BHAM on Highland Avenue.
As I understand it many thousands of people attend every year and with 10-20 volunteers we could put a sizeable dent in the signature gathering bucket.
Schedule is
So, who's in? I need to know when you can start and how long you can gather sigs that day. Please let me know if you can volunteer a couple of hours.
I'd like to have people at both parks and all along the route. At present I have myself and three others who are in BHAM for the purpose of gathering signatures.
Email me if you plan to help with this effort and I will tell you where to meet the rest of us on Saturday.
As I understand it many thousands of people attend every year and with 10-20 volunteers we could put a sizeable dent in the signature gathering bucket.
Schedule is
So, who's in? I need to know when you can start and how long you can gather sigs that day. Please let me know if you can volunteer a couple of hours.
I'd like to have people at both parks and all along the route. At present I have myself and three others who are in BHAM for the purpose of gathering signatures.
Email me if you plan to help with this effort and I will tell you where to meet the rest of us on Saturday.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Medical Marijuana Meeting in Birmingham
We are having it catered by Jim & Nicks B-B-Q and are hoping to have around 30 people turn out.
Please come if you can.
Compassionate Care in Alabama: A Public Discussion
Host: Ralph Hendrix
Thursday, May 18 6:00 p.m.
401 Beacon Parkway West
Birmingham, AL
Alabama Compassionate Care Campaign
Drug Policy Alliance
Kenny Glasgow: New Bottom Line Campaign & TOPS
Goals of event:
* To educate B’Ham area residents about the current Compassionate Care campaign in AL and to enlist their support.
* Welcome people to the event;
* Brief overview of the medical marijuana issue in the U.S.
* Overview and background of the Compassionate Care campaign in Alabama
o Explanation of bill and Rep. Hall’s interest and focus on this
o What’s gone on in the legislature over the last two years
o What to expect next year
* Question and Answer period
* Next Steps for those who want to get involved
* Close
Please come if you can.
Compassionate Care in Alabama: A Public Discussion
Host: Ralph Hendrix
Thursday, May 18 6:00 p.m.
401 Beacon Parkway West
Birmingham, AL
Alabama Compassionate Care Campaign
Drug Policy Alliance
Kenny Glasgow: New Bottom Line Campaign & TOPS
Goals of event:
* To educate B’Ham area residents about the current Compassionate Care campaign in AL and to enlist their support.
* Welcome people to the event;
* Brief overview of the medical marijuana issue in the U.S.
* Overview and background of the Compassionate Care campaign in Alabama
o Explanation of bill and Rep. Hall’s interest and focus on this
o What’s gone on in the legislature over the last two years
o What to expect next year
* Question and Answer period
* Next Steps for those who want to get involved
* Close
More or Less
It appears that the Alabama media is picking up on my recent "Flash for Cash" campaign. Here is a blurb form yesterday's Mobile Press-Register.
More or less
There's been some discussion lately about whether all the pollsters and consultants have sapped the fun and spontaneity from politics. Folks who espouse that opinion apparently haven't viewed Alabama Libertarian Loretta Nall's ads.
One posted on the Mobile Libertarian Party's site boasts a photo of Nall, who's running for governor, leaning forward in a low-necked top, displaying her cleavage.
The slogan reads, "More of these boobs, and less of these boobs!!" Small photos of Gov. Bob Riley, Roy Moore, Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley and Don Siegelman are included.
The ad can be seen here .
I'll be writing them today with the full story of how that came to be on my campaign t-shirts .
I finally tracked down a copy of the MSNBC segment in which I was featured. They charged the begeezus out of me for it but I will have a copy later today and will post it here.
I am also in the media today for oppostiton to National Guard troops on the Mexican border. That is being covered in just about every newspaper and on every TV and radio station in the state. Clearly, I am the only non-Republican running in this race.
On Thursday I will be interviewed by WSFA Channel 12 in Montgomery. Part of the interview will air on the 5 pm newscast on Sunday. The entire unedited interview, which will be 15-20 minutes in length, will beplaced on the WSFA website for the remainder of this election season.
More or less
There's been some discussion lately about whether all the pollsters and consultants have sapped the fun and spontaneity from politics. Folks who espouse that opinion apparently haven't viewed Alabama Libertarian Loretta Nall's ads.
One posted on the Mobile Libertarian Party's site boasts a photo of Nall, who's running for governor, leaning forward in a low-necked top, displaying her cleavage.
The slogan reads, "More of these boobs, and less of these boobs!!" Small photos of Gov. Bob Riley, Roy Moore, Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley and Don Siegelman are included.
The ad can be seen here .
I'll be writing them today with the full story of how that came to be on my campaign t-shirts .
I finally tracked down a copy of the MSNBC segment in which I was featured. They charged the begeezus out of me for it but I will have a copy later today and will post it here.
I am also in the media today for oppostiton to National Guard troops on the Mexican border. That is being covered in just about every newspaper and on every TV and radio station in the state. Clearly, I am the only non-Republican running in this race.
On Thursday I will be interviewed by WSFA Channel 12 in Montgomery. Part of the interview will air on the 5 pm newscast on Sunday. The entire unedited interview, which will be 15-20 minutes in length, will beplaced on the WSFA website for the remainder of this election season.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Nall Opposes National Guard Troops on Mexican Border
Libertarian Party nominee Loretta Nall said she objects to using the Guard to militarize the border with the peaceful neighbor. "The last thing I want to do is make it more like a police state," she said.
Instead, she advocates embracing illegal immigrants who are working in the United States. "We should naturalize them and make them part of the tax base," she said.
Riley, Moore support use of National Guard along Mexican border
Associated Press Writer
Montgomery Advertiser
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) -- Republican Gov. Bob Riley and his opponent, former Chief Justice Roy Moore, voiced support Monday for President Bush's plan to use the National Guard along the Mexican border.
"If we'd done this years ago, we'd have put a stop to illegal immigration," Riley said.
But some candidates for governor are concerned about using the National Guard in a major border role, particularly with 500 Alabama National Guard deployed overseas, 300 in training to go, and 200 scheduled to mobilize in June and July.
Chip Hill, a spokesman for former Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman, said, "He would never agree for the Alabama National Guard to be used as border patrol agents on the Mexican border."
Democratic Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley said using the National Guard should only be temporary.
"I believe long-range planning should be something other than continuing to increase the demands on the citizen soldiers, which make it very difficult on their family lives and professional careers," she said.
Bush is planning to use the Guard to support the Border Patrol while it builds up its resources to protect the 2,000-mile border with Mexico.
A spokesman for Alabama's National Guard said there has been no word on whether any Alabama units might be involved.
In Alabama, the governor names the Guard's top officer, the adjutant general, and calls out the Guard to help after natural disasters, such as hurricanes.
Libertarian Party nominee Loretta Nall said she objects to using the Guard to militarize the border with the peaceful neighbor. "The last thing I want to do is make it more like a police state," she said.
Instead, she advocates embracing illegal immigrants who are working in the United States. "We should naturalize them and make them part of the tax base," she said.
Riley issued a statement saying he doesn't know the specifics of Bush's plan, but "I do support placing military forces on our border. When I served in Congress, I voted to authorize the placement of military troops on our border, so I'm glad to see we're finally moving in that direction."
As for Alabama's Guard, Riley said he sees no significant impact because any deployment would be a national effort.
Moore, who faces Riley in the Republican primary on June 6, has been critical of Bush's handling of the illegal immigration issue, but now thinks he's waking up to the problem.
"I'm glad he's suddenly realizing the policy we've been pursuing the last five or six years has been detrimental to our society," he said.
Moore, who spent five years in the active Army and one year in the Reserves, believes the Guard can handle the extra responsibility.
"It is the duty of the federal government to defend our borders from an invasion, whether it's a foreign army or a foreign nationality," Moore said.
Moore is among those who see another part of Bush's plan, the guest worker program, as an amnesty program for those who entered the United States illegally.
"We've got to be very careful not to pretend to right a wrong with another wrong which will further damage our society," Moore said in an interview.
Siegelman's spokesman said the former Democratic governor has no problem with states that border Mexico using their National Guard units to protect the border or with the national military doing it, but he doesn't believe non-border states should be involved.
"It's the Mexican border. It's not the border of Alabama," Hill said.
In Alabama, Siegelman would advocate rounding up illegal immigrants, sending them home and punishing the businesses that hired them, Hill said.
Siegelman faces Baxley and five other Democrats in the primary election June 6.
Baxley said Monday she's glad to see the president act.
"Securing our country's borders is the responsibility of the federal government, and any action by the president in this matter is long overdue," she said.
Baxley said long-term enforcement is needed along the Mexican border, but long-range planning must provide for the replacement of the Guard..
Instead, she advocates embracing illegal immigrants who are working in the United States. "We should naturalize them and make them part of the tax base," she said.
Riley, Moore support use of National Guard along Mexican border
Associated Press Writer
Montgomery Advertiser
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) -- Republican Gov. Bob Riley and his opponent, former Chief Justice Roy Moore, voiced support Monday for President Bush's plan to use the National Guard along the Mexican border.
"If we'd done this years ago, we'd have put a stop to illegal immigration," Riley said.
But some candidates for governor are concerned about using the National Guard in a major border role, particularly with 500 Alabama National Guard deployed overseas, 300 in training to go, and 200 scheduled to mobilize in June and July.
Chip Hill, a spokesman for former Democratic Gov. Don Siegelman, said, "He would never agree for the Alabama National Guard to be used as border patrol agents on the Mexican border."
Democratic Lt. Gov. Lucy Baxley said using the National Guard should only be temporary.
"I believe long-range planning should be something other than continuing to increase the demands on the citizen soldiers, which make it very difficult on their family lives and professional careers," she said.
Bush is planning to use the Guard to support the Border Patrol while it builds up its resources to protect the 2,000-mile border with Mexico.
A spokesman for Alabama's National Guard said there has been no word on whether any Alabama units might be involved.
In Alabama, the governor names the Guard's top officer, the adjutant general, and calls out the Guard to help after natural disasters, such as hurricanes.
Libertarian Party nominee Loretta Nall said she objects to using the Guard to militarize the border with the peaceful neighbor. "The last thing I want to do is make it more like a police state," she said.
Instead, she advocates embracing illegal immigrants who are working in the United States. "We should naturalize them and make them part of the tax base," she said.
Riley issued a statement saying he doesn't know the specifics of Bush's plan, but "I do support placing military forces on our border. When I served in Congress, I voted to authorize the placement of military troops on our border, so I'm glad to see we're finally moving in that direction."
As for Alabama's Guard, Riley said he sees no significant impact because any deployment would be a national effort.
Moore, who faces Riley in the Republican primary on June 6, has been critical of Bush's handling of the illegal immigration issue, but now thinks he's waking up to the problem.
"I'm glad he's suddenly realizing the policy we've been pursuing the last five or six years has been detrimental to our society," he said.
Moore, who spent five years in the active Army and one year in the Reserves, believes the Guard can handle the extra responsibility.
"It is the duty of the federal government to defend our borders from an invasion, whether it's a foreign army or a foreign nationality," Moore said.
Moore is among those who see another part of Bush's plan, the guest worker program, as an amnesty program for those who entered the United States illegally.
"We've got to be very careful not to pretend to right a wrong with another wrong which will further damage our society," Moore said in an interview.
Siegelman's spokesman said the former Democratic governor has no problem with states that border Mexico using their National Guard units to protect the border or with the national military doing it, but he doesn't believe non-border states should be involved.
"It's the Mexican border. It's not the border of Alabama," Hill said.
In Alabama, Siegelman would advocate rounding up illegal immigrants, sending them home and punishing the businesses that hired them, Hill said.
Siegelman faces Baxley and five other Democrats in the primary election June 6.
Baxley said Monday she's glad to see the president act.
"Securing our country's borders is the responsibility of the federal government, and any action by the president in this matter is long overdue," she said.
Baxley said long-term enforcement is needed along the Mexican border, but long-range planning must provide for the replacement of the Guard..
Loretta Nall on Cultural Baggage
Drug Truth Network Update: Cultural Baggage + Century of Lies + 4:20 Drug War NEWS
Half Hour Programs, Live Fridays... at 90.1 FM in Houston & on the web at
Cultural Baggage for 05/12/06 Politicians for Reform with Cliff Thornton (Gov.
Conn),Kevin Zeese (US Senate,Maryland.),Loretta Nall (Gov. Ala.) &Willy
Richmond (Comm. Hannibal Mo) + "Official Govt. Truth", 17 Yr Old gets 2 Years
for 1 Joint MP3
MP3 Link Listen HERE
Half Hour Programs, Live Fridays... at 90.1 FM in Houston & on the web at
Cultural Baggage for 05/12/06 Politicians for Reform with Cliff Thornton (Gov.
Conn),Kevin Zeese (US Senate,Maryland.),Loretta Nall (Gov. Ala.) &Willy
Richmond (Comm. Hannibal Mo) + "Official Govt. Truth", 17 Yr Old gets 2 Years
for 1 Joint MP3
MP3 Link Listen HERE
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Why Won't Baptists' Engage in Discussion?
Came across a post about my candidacy on Baptist Boards . Since one of the "Christian" members of that board saw fit to try and belittle me for being honest about smoking pot and because I live in a mobile home.
I decided to do something which I rarely do, and that was register a name and try to clear up the lies being told about me and also to try and engage the members (since some were supportive of my campaign and platform) in a discussion about the Drug War and the Christian perspective on how to approach drug policy reform.
Here is the THREAD
I posted one response and the first reply to my response was some woman who has been eating way too many twinkies, taking issue with the fact that I posted my website in my post. It's a habit. It was also a political forum and a thread that was mostly a discussion about me and my campaign for Governor.
I responded that I was sorry, I hadn't read the rules (big surprise) and that I would really like to hear opinions from a Christian perspective onthe drug war issue. I was polite and friendly both times.
I just went back to the board to check any responses to my question and they have closed comments on the thread.
How sad that they cannot engage in a basic discussion of something that affects them in a negative way, whether they realize it or not.
Now, let me clarify, I know that not all Baptists are like this. I met one a few months ago who is a deacon in a Baptist Church in Cullman, AL and he was in agreement with my platform...even the drug policy.
I wonder if Jesus would have closed his ears and his heart against a message of toelrance and peace or if he would have said ugly things about what type of domicile someone lived in or if he would have tried to belittle someone for their honesty?
My guess is no and this action by the Baptist Board Admin. once again proves that I am more Jesus-like in my actions than most of those who profess to be Christians.
I decided to do something which I rarely do, and that was register a name and try to clear up the lies being told about me and also to try and engage the members (since some were supportive of my campaign and platform) in a discussion about the Drug War and the Christian perspective on how to approach drug policy reform.
Here is the THREAD
I posted one response and the first reply to my response was some woman who has been eating way too many twinkies, taking issue with the fact that I posted my website in my post. It's a habit. It was also a political forum and a thread that was mostly a discussion about me and my campaign for Governor.
I responded that I was sorry, I hadn't read the rules (big surprise) and that I would really like to hear opinions from a Christian perspective onthe drug war issue. I was polite and friendly both times.
I just went back to the board to check any responses to my question and they have closed comments on the thread.
How sad that they cannot engage in a basic discussion of something that affects them in a negative way, whether they realize it or not.
Now, let me clarify, I know that not all Baptists are like this. I met one a few months ago who is a deacon in a Baptist Church in Cullman, AL and he was in agreement with my platform...even the drug policy.
I wonder if Jesus would have closed his ears and his heart against a message of toelrance and peace or if he would have said ugly things about what type of domicile someone lived in or if he would have tried to belittle someone for their honesty?
My guess is no and this action by the Baptist Board Admin. once again proves that I am more Jesus-like in my actions than most of those who profess to be Christians.
Sen. Sessions and Voting Rights
My buddy Wheeler over at Alablawg has written a superb post on Sen. Jeff Sessions and his take on the Voting Rights Act renewal.
My other buddy Steve had an unfortunate accident with his coffee, which he was in the process of swallowing when I read Wheeler's post aloud, and his computer screen/keyboard.
Sessions is....wow I don't think I even have a word for it and when I can't think of something foul to call you then you must be very bad indeed!
My other buddy Steve had an unfortunate accident with his coffee, which he was in the process of swallowing when I read Wheeler's post aloud, and his computer screen/keyboard.
Sessions is....wow I don't think I even have a word for it and when I can't think of something foul to call you then you must be very bad indeed!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Once in a Lifetime
Dear Supporters, Friends, Readers, Media and Newcomers to the Nall for Governor Campaign,
It's 10:16 pm on Wednesday, May 10, 2006 and despite being about half-dead and near collapse I am still locked in a 7 day battle with insomnia. I look it too. Today a friend of mine asked me, in a rather serious tone, if someone had blacked my eyes.
I'm having trouble trying to sleep
I'm counting sheep but running out
As time ticks by
And still I try
No rest for crosstops in my mind
On my own... here we go
My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
Fucked up and spun out in my room
On my own... here we go
My mind is set on overdrive
The clock is laughing in my face
A crooked spine
My sense dulled
Passed the point of delerium ~ Green Day 'Brain Stew'
Sometimes...no matter how tired you are you just cannot shut your mind off.
The last month of my life on the campaign trail has been a whirlwind and goes a little something like this.
Nall Officially Nominated as LP Candidate for Governor of Alabama
Nall Goes Back to Court
Coverage of News Conference on Capitol Steps
Woman Heads Libertarian Ticket
WAKA Talk Back
Libertarians Make it Official
More Excited than the Lt. Gov.
Huntsville Times Coverage of PTA Candidate Forum
Video of PTA Candidate Forum
Guest on 96 Rock
AP Coverage
Columbia Journalism Review Coverage
On May 1, I spoke at two different immigration reform rallies. One at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and one at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Montevallo, AL. As a Libertarian I support the workers who are already here and do not wish to see them targeted by police if all they are doing is working hard and taking care of their families. Being anti-immigrant is Un-American. We need to reform immigration laws and make it a fairer process and then there would not be so many coming across the border illegally.
On May 2, I launched a fundraising campaign that is very unique, controversial and practically unheard of.
Nall Launches Flash for Cash Campaign
All of this of course was based around the whole, boob thing.
I gotta take a minute here and give props to three very key people who helped perpetuate this story across the internet and eventually turned it into a flash animation and a media storm. Don Siebold, who, although not necessarily a supporter of mine, I have become quite fond of him. Don, after reading this story (and the one about the panties...or lack thereof) decided he would pass it on to some Alabama bloggers. Then this cat named BlueGal in Birmingham picked it up and posted it over at Daily Kos. It spread like wildfire from there. I've since met BlueGal for lunch and, just like her website says, "She Rocks!"
Then my friend, supporter and de-facto campaign manager Stephen Gordon after reading all of the fascinating responses and conversations this story was generating, came up with the idea of the flash animation as a way to raise money for the campaign.
Props are also in order to Flash Booty for putting the animation together for me. Check them out if you need something done.
Free Talk Live
A Woman's Fight for Freedom in the Birthplace of Rosa Parks and Helen Keller
National Media Blitz Begins
I have also been a guest on Atlanta's 96 ROCK , Saginaw, MI's Joe & The Poor Boy on Z93 , Elgin IL's WRMN 1410 AM Talk Radio and Freedom Works Radio out of Clearwater, FL.
Then things hit the national level and I got a call from The Alan Colmes Show. I appeared as a guest on Monday, May 8, 2006 at 10 pm. I am working to get a copy of the broadcast.
From May 5 to May 9 I ranked in the top 10 at Technorati holding the #1 position for over 24 hours on Monday, May 8. This was at a time when the CIA director Porter Goss mysteriously resigned, Rep. Patrick Kennedy got into a drunken brawl with a traffic barrier and Stephen Cobert was getting some much deserved love form the world for his address at the White House Press Correspondents Dinner. Holding those positions for that amount of time is impressive to say the least.
Yesterday, I received the following email from a friend of mine in Washington, D.C.
Congrats, L!!!!
MSNBC just did a piece on you by the senior producer on how influential your website has been on the on the drug policy debate!!!! I'm watching it in the bank and you got a couple of smiles in support.
Way to go!

I had no idea MSNBC had picked up the story. Despite hours of searching their site for the clip and trying to establish contact with someone in their studio I have come up empty handed. I have not seen the video and it is about to drive me MAD STIMPY!!! MAD I TELL YOU!!!
Later on, when I spoke with my friend, she went into more detail about the piece. Apparently it was on a new show featuring Alison Stewart called 'The Most'. It does not seem to have it's own website and was launched on May 1, 2006. The senior producer is the one who did the narration of the segment. He talked a little about my history and how I got into politics, my progressive platform and how my website has influenced the drug policy debate and my falsh for cash campaign.
Then to be fair he showed a 'libertarian' blog which carried this story, which for some odd reason decided to trash me in a really nasty manner instead of challenging me on the issues. I won't post that blog here because I refuse to allow them to mooch any more traffic off of my hard work. Trashing someone whom you have never met in a way so juvenile and undignified, just to boost ones own visibility is Internet Welfare. If you aren't interesting enough on your own merit to generate media coverage and internet traffic then tough tittie. Accept the fact that you suck and move on to something else.
I believe this particular seeker of Internet Welfare Traffic learned his lesson though. He got slammed pretty hard by the Nall for Governor faithful and closed comments on the site. But only after he got in a good whine about getting smacked around for being a prick. Serves you right.
Internet Welfare is UN-LIBERTARIAN!
I just found this. No video though. I was told earlier today that the video will be available in about a week.
Alabama gubernatorial candidate Loretta Nall is getting a lot of attention for her Flash for Cash site on which contributing to her campaign gets you a peek at a cartoon representation of her exposing herself. (Or so it would seem. I didn't actually pay for any peeps to find out.) Given the Mary Carey candidacy, it's easy to assume this is another joke candidate, but in fact, her more official site is more serious and I get the impression the Flash for Cash gimmic is more about making fun of how she's being treated by the local media.
The Technorati ratings have generated a huge number of blog postings about my campaign. I have found the vast majority of them to be overwhelmingly positive and supportive. These new readers also seem to enjoy reading my articles as much as everyone else who has read them. It's fascinating to read all of the blog entries and look at what perspective people are viewing my story from and learning where people are on the issues that my candidacy and my entry into the political arena have brought to the forefront.
Some people come at it from the drug policy reform angle, others from a First and Fourth Amendment angle, some from the ballot access angle and I even had one gal give me make-up tips...and while I appreciate the gesture I have to say I like the way I apply my make-up just fine, thank you very much. I really got a kick out of that one...I admit it and I hope that if the writer of that post is reading this that she understands there is no anger behind these words.
I have had quite a few new invites to speak around the state in the last week.
The Univesity of Montevallo has invited me to speak there on November 2, 2006. That is just five days before the election.
The Kiwanis Club of Hoover has invited me to speak on June 9, 2006. The gentleman who invited me seems a little too excited about my appearance and, since Hoover is where I recently had a Run-In with the Law a few weeks go that makes me a little wary. The Birmingham Sunrise Rotary Club has invited me to speak on October 10, 2006.
Coming up on May 21, 2006 I will be addressing The National Coalition of 100 Black Women at the candidate forums in Tuskegee, AL.
However, the biggest thing happening in the Nall for Governor Campaign right now is that we have hired professional fundraisers and ballot access petitioners to come here and help me raise the money needed to collect ballot access signatures as well as collect the signatures. Two of them will be here on Thursday evening and the third will arrive on Friday. If I get my name on the ballot I will win the election in Alabama.
I find myself reflecting these days on how many people ever get to experience what I am currently experiencing? Not many I would guess. You have to really WANT to be elected to office and most people are so disgusted with politics as usual that entering the political arena is about the fartherest thing from their mind. Those that do wish to enter the political arena usually do so at a much lower level of government and most of them are never able to garner the attention and traction in their campaigns than I have have been able to produce with my low budget Common Sense Campaign.
Most people never know the joy of having thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, in the US and across the globe believe wholeheartedly in what you are trying to accomplish. People who are pinning some of their hopes for a better world on you and trust you to make them a reality. It is an awesome and wonderful burden to be given.
Thanks and much love to my many supporters and fans across the globe. Your support and encouragement is truly something that only happens Once in a Lifetime>
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful
And you may ask yourself-well...how did I get here?
Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money’s gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.
And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
Love Y'all,
Vote Nall...It's Just Common Sense
Nall for Governor
It's 10:16 pm on Wednesday, May 10, 2006 and despite being about half-dead and near collapse I am still locked in a 7 day battle with insomnia. I look it too. Today a friend of mine asked me, in a rather serious tone, if someone had blacked my eyes.
I'm having trouble trying to sleep
I'm counting sheep but running out
As time ticks by
And still I try
No rest for crosstops in my mind
On my own... here we go
My eyes feel like they're gonna bleed
Dried up and bulging out my skull
My mouth is dry
My face is numb
Fucked up and spun out in my room
On my own... here we go
My mind is set on overdrive
The clock is laughing in my face
A crooked spine
My sense dulled
Passed the point of delerium ~ Green Day 'Brain Stew'
Sometimes...no matter how tired you are you just cannot shut your mind off.
The last month of my life on the campaign trail has been a whirlwind and goes a little something like this.
Nall Officially Nominated as LP Candidate for Governor of Alabama
Nall Goes Back to Court
Coverage of News Conference on Capitol Steps
Woman Heads Libertarian Ticket
WAKA Talk Back
Libertarians Make it Official
More Excited than the Lt. Gov.
Huntsville Times Coverage of PTA Candidate Forum
Video of PTA Candidate Forum
Guest on 96 Rock
AP Coverage
Columbia Journalism Review Coverage
On May 1, I spoke at two different immigration reform rallies. One at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa and one at St. Andrews Episcopal Church in Montevallo, AL. As a Libertarian I support the workers who are already here and do not wish to see them targeted by police if all they are doing is working hard and taking care of their families. Being anti-immigrant is Un-American. We need to reform immigration laws and make it a fairer process and then there would not be so many coming across the border illegally.
On May 2, I launched a fundraising campaign that is very unique, controversial and practically unheard of.
Nall Launches Flash for Cash Campaign
All of this of course was based around the whole, boob thing.
I gotta take a minute here and give props to three very key people who helped perpetuate this story across the internet and eventually turned it into a flash animation and a media storm. Don Siebold, who, although not necessarily a supporter of mine, I have become quite fond of him. Don, after reading this story (and the one about the panties...or lack thereof) decided he would pass it on to some Alabama bloggers. Then this cat named BlueGal in Birmingham picked it up and posted it over at Daily Kos. It spread like wildfire from there. I've since met BlueGal for lunch and, just like her website says, "She Rocks!"
Then my friend, supporter and de-facto campaign manager Stephen Gordon after reading all of the fascinating responses and conversations this story was generating, came up with the idea of the flash animation as a way to raise money for the campaign.
Props are also in order to Flash Booty for putting the animation together for me. Check them out if you need something done.
Free Talk Live
A Woman's Fight for Freedom in the Birthplace of Rosa Parks and Helen Keller
National Media Blitz Begins
I have also been a guest on Atlanta's 96 ROCK , Saginaw, MI's Joe & The Poor Boy on Z93 , Elgin IL's WRMN 1410 AM Talk Radio and Freedom Works Radio out of Clearwater, FL.
Then things hit the national level and I got a call from The Alan Colmes Show. I appeared as a guest on Monday, May 8, 2006 at 10 pm. I am working to get a copy of the broadcast.
From May 5 to May 9 I ranked in the top 10 at Technorati holding the #1 position for over 24 hours on Monday, May 8. This was at a time when the CIA director Porter Goss mysteriously resigned, Rep. Patrick Kennedy got into a drunken brawl with a traffic barrier and Stephen Cobert was getting some much deserved love form the world for his address at the White House Press Correspondents Dinner. Holding those positions for that amount of time is impressive to say the least.
Yesterday, I received the following email from a friend of mine in Washington, D.C.
Congrats, L!!!!
MSNBC just did a piece on you by the senior producer on how influential your website has been on the on the drug policy debate!!!! I'm watching it in the bank and you got a couple of smiles in support.
Way to go!

I had no idea MSNBC had picked up the story. Despite hours of searching their site for the clip and trying to establish contact with someone in their studio I have come up empty handed. I have not seen the video and it is about to drive me MAD STIMPY!!! MAD I TELL YOU!!!
Later on, when I spoke with my friend, she went into more detail about the piece. Apparently it was on a new show featuring Alison Stewart called 'The Most'. It does not seem to have it's own website and was launched on May 1, 2006. The senior producer is the one who did the narration of the segment. He talked a little about my history and how I got into politics, my progressive platform and how my website has influenced the drug policy debate and my falsh for cash campaign.
Then to be fair he showed a 'libertarian' blog which carried this story, which for some odd reason decided to trash me in a really nasty manner instead of challenging me on the issues. I won't post that blog here because I refuse to allow them to mooch any more traffic off of my hard work. Trashing someone whom you have never met in a way so juvenile and undignified, just to boost ones own visibility is Internet Welfare. If you aren't interesting enough on your own merit to generate media coverage and internet traffic then tough tittie. Accept the fact that you suck and move on to something else.
I believe this particular seeker of Internet Welfare Traffic learned his lesson though. He got slammed pretty hard by the Nall for Governor faithful and closed comments on the site. But only after he got in a good whine about getting smacked around for being a prick. Serves you right.
Internet Welfare is UN-LIBERTARIAN!
I just found this. No video though. I was told earlier today that the video will be available in about a week.
Alabama gubernatorial candidate Loretta Nall is getting a lot of attention for her Flash for Cash site on which contributing to her campaign gets you a peek at a cartoon representation of her exposing herself. (Or so it would seem. I didn't actually pay for any peeps to find out.) Given the Mary Carey candidacy, it's easy to assume this is another joke candidate, but in fact, her more official site is more serious and I get the impression the Flash for Cash gimmic is more about making fun of how she's being treated by the local media.
The Technorati ratings have generated a huge number of blog postings about my campaign. I have found the vast majority of them to be overwhelmingly positive and supportive. These new readers also seem to enjoy reading my articles as much as everyone else who has read them. It's fascinating to read all of the blog entries and look at what perspective people are viewing my story from and learning where people are on the issues that my candidacy and my entry into the political arena have brought to the forefront.
Some people come at it from the drug policy reform angle, others from a First and Fourth Amendment angle, some from the ballot access angle and I even had one gal give me make-up tips...and while I appreciate the gesture I have to say I like the way I apply my make-up just fine, thank you very much. I really got a kick out of that one...I admit it and I hope that if the writer of that post is reading this that she understands there is no anger behind these words.
I have had quite a few new invites to speak around the state in the last week.
The Univesity of Montevallo has invited me to speak there on November 2, 2006. That is just five days before the election.
The Kiwanis Club of Hoover has invited me to speak on June 9, 2006. The gentleman who invited me seems a little too excited about my appearance and, since Hoover is where I recently had a Run-In with the Law a few weeks go that makes me a little wary. The Birmingham Sunrise Rotary Club has invited me to speak on October 10, 2006.
Coming up on May 21, 2006 I will be addressing The National Coalition of 100 Black Women at the candidate forums in Tuskegee, AL.
However, the biggest thing happening in the Nall for Governor Campaign right now is that we have hired professional fundraisers and ballot access petitioners to come here and help me raise the money needed to collect ballot access signatures as well as collect the signatures. Two of them will be here on Thursday evening and the third will arrive on Friday. If I get my name on the ballot I will win the election in Alabama.
I find myself reflecting these days on how many people ever get to experience what I am currently experiencing? Not many I would guess. You have to really WANT to be elected to office and most people are so disgusted with politics as usual that entering the political arena is about the fartherest thing from their mind. Those that do wish to enter the political arena usually do so at a much lower level of government and most of them are never able to garner the attention and traction in their campaigns than I have have been able to produce with my low budget Common Sense Campaign.
Most people never know the joy of having thousands of people, tens of thousands of people, in the US and across the globe believe wholeheartedly in what you are trying to accomplish. People who are pinning some of their hopes for a better world on you and trust you to make them a reality. It is an awesome and wonderful burden to be given.
Thanks and much love to my many supporters and fans across the globe. Your support and encouragement is truly something that only happens Once in a Lifetime>
And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful
And you may ask yourself-well...how did I get here?
Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money’s gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.
And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
Love Y'all,
Vote Nall...It's Just Common Sense
Nall for Governor
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Loretta Nall on Freedom Works Radio
Tonight at 8:05 CDT I will be a guest on Freedom Works Radio with host Michael Gilson.
You can tune in HERE.
You can tune in HERE.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Be on Time or Go To Jail
Send kids to school, or get sent to court
Monday, May 08, 2006
News staff writer
Syleria Matthews lives two blocks from Erwin Elementary School. Yet, 16 times this school year she rolled up to the school doors to drop off her 9-year-old son after 7:55 a.m., when the tardy bell rings.
Matthews wasn't surprised when she recently received a letter from the Jefferson County School System ordering her to attend Jefferson County Family Court's Early Warning program for truancy. She expects any day now to receive the same letter because of her 7-year-old son, who attends a different school and also has been late too many times.
If the pattern continues, Matthews and about 30 other parents were cautioned at a recent Early Warning session, they may do time behind bars. The news prompted more eye rolls than jaw drops, but it's no empty threat.
With attendance tied to state and federal annual progress requirements, schools are increasingly handing bad attendance cases to the courts.
Now, hang on just a damn minute.
1. The public school system and the courts DO NOT OWN OUR CHILDREN!
2. It cannot possibly be saving anyone any money to drag parents into court and then jail them because their kids are late to school. Court costs money. Jail/prison costs $12,000 a year. We don't even spend that per pupil.
3. This is yet ANOTHER one of the reasons that public schools should be privitized.
Monday, May 08, 2006
News staff writer
Syleria Matthews lives two blocks from Erwin Elementary School. Yet, 16 times this school year she rolled up to the school doors to drop off her 9-year-old son after 7:55 a.m., when the tardy bell rings.
Matthews wasn't surprised when she recently received a letter from the Jefferson County School System ordering her to attend Jefferson County Family Court's Early Warning program for truancy. She expects any day now to receive the same letter because of her 7-year-old son, who attends a different school and also has been late too many times.
If the pattern continues, Matthews and about 30 other parents were cautioned at a recent Early Warning session, they may do time behind bars. The news prompted more eye rolls than jaw drops, but it's no empty threat.
With attendance tied to state and federal annual progress requirements, schools are increasingly handing bad attendance cases to the courts.
Now, hang on just a damn minute.
1. The public school system and the courts DO NOT OWN OUR CHILDREN!
2. It cannot possibly be saving anyone any money to drag parents into court and then jail them because their kids are late to school. Court costs money. Jail/prison costs $12,000 a year. We don't even spend that per pupil.
3. This is yet ANOTHER one of the reasons that public schools should be privitized.
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Loretta Nall Upcoming Media Appearances
Tonight at 6:20 CDT I will be addressing the San Francisco Million Marijuana March participants via telephone. There is no website specifically for this event that I am aware of.
On Monday, May 8, 2006 at 9 am CDT I will be a guest for 45 minutes on WRMN 1410 talk radio out of Elgin, IL.
At 10 pm CDT I will be a guest on The Alan Colmes Show . I will be interviewed for 20 minutes and will then take live calls from listeners.
On Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 8:05 pm CDT I will be a guest on The Freedom Works with host Michael Gilson.
All of these shows will be available in live stream except the MMM address later this afternoon.
On Monday, May 8, 2006 at 9 am CDT I will be a guest for 45 minutes on WRMN 1410 talk radio out of Elgin, IL.
At 10 pm CDT I will be a guest on The Alan Colmes Show . I will be interviewed for 20 minutes and will then take live calls from listeners.
On Tuesday, May 9, 2006 at 8:05 pm CDT I will be a guest on The Freedom Works with host Michael Gilson.
All of these shows will be available in live stream except the MMM address later this afternoon.
Now I Know How the Coyote Feels
Dear Friends, Supporters and Newcomers to the Nall for Governor Campaign,
It has been a while since I last updated you on how the campaign is progressing. The fact is, so much has been happening I have only been able to do individual short posts announcing an event or sharing campaign coverage and have had no time for writing the long, detailed updates that I so enjoy writing and that most of you seem to enjoy reading.
On an aside...if there are any literary agents/publishers out there reading my articles covering my adventures in drug policy and prison reform in Alabama, and you happen to think I am talented and should perhaps turn all of this material into a book...please contact me.
I have heard one too many times things like, "You are a modern day Mark Twain, William Faulkner, Hunter S. Thompson" and things like the following which is posted over at Cup of Joe Powell
While I don't think I am nearly deserving of any such comparisons to three of the absolute greatest writers ever, it would be foolish to ignore the numerous positive responses I get from people all over the world after they read my work.
Now, to back up a bit and give everyone a brief rundown of events since April. The best way to do this is to just link to various coverage of the campaign.
Nall Officially Nominated as LP Candidate for Governor of Alabama
Nall Goes Back to Court
Coverage of News Conference on Capitol Steps
Woman Heads Libertarian Ticket
WAKA Talk Back
Libertarians Make it Official
More Excited than the Lt. Gov.
Huntsville Times Coverage of PTA Candidate Forum
Video of PTA Candidate Forum
Guest on 96 Rock
AP Coverage
Nall Launches Flash for Cash Campaign
Columbia Journalism Review Coverage
Free Talk Live
A Womans Fight for Freedom in the Birthplace of Rosa Parks and Helen Keller
National Media Blitz Begins
And this is where things stand now.
Last nights appearance on Alan Colmes was moved to Monday, May 8 at 10 p.m. CDT. When they called me the gentleman on the phone was very apologetic. I just laughed and told him that if the worst thing in your day is getting bumped off of a nationally syndicated radio show by the head of the CIA and Patrick Kennedy then you're probably doing ok in life. Further, Monday is a much better news day than Friday.
Alan Colmes has the greatest scrolling headline ticker about my appearance on the show. It seems he actually gets the meaning behind the campaign, unlike some others I have run into. Who would have thought people would be so uptight in the year 2006? I'll admit though that I am having fun watching them get their drawers in a wad over their own warped perception of my Flash for Cash Campaign.
The FOX News Version of Colmes site has a somewhat different spin on it though.
And I am currently #7 in Technorati Search
I can now honestly say that I know exactly what the Coyote feels like when his ass is strapped to that ACME Rocket!!
Many thanks to all of my readers, campaign advisors, supporters and friends for making all of this happen.
Help me get ballot access and then we will even more fun.
Your Compatriot in the Fight for Liberty,
Loretta Nall
It has been a while since I last updated you on how the campaign is progressing. The fact is, so much has been happening I have only been able to do individual short posts announcing an event or sharing campaign coverage and have had no time for writing the long, detailed updates that I so enjoy writing and that most of you seem to enjoy reading.
On an aside...if there are any literary agents/publishers out there reading my articles covering my adventures in drug policy and prison reform in Alabama, and you happen to think I am talented and should perhaps turn all of this material into a book...please contact me.
I have heard one too many times things like, "You are a modern day Mark Twain, William Faulkner, Hunter S. Thompson" and things like the following which is posted over at Cup of Joe Powell
Next, one of the more unusual candidates in politics today is a wanna-be independent candidate for governor in Alabama. She offers to flash her bodacious ta-tas if you make a donation. At least she is a distinctively different type of candidate from ousted Judge Roy "10 Commandments" Moore. She also keeps a blog, which reads like one of the funniest Southern novels of the last decade, especially her attempt to see her brother in jail, which she couldn't, 'cause she and her mom were't wearing panties.
While I don't think I am nearly deserving of any such comparisons to three of the absolute greatest writers ever, it would be foolish to ignore the numerous positive responses I get from people all over the world after they read my work.
Now, to back up a bit and give everyone a brief rundown of events since April. The best way to do this is to just link to various coverage of the campaign.
Nall Officially Nominated as LP Candidate for Governor of Alabama
Nall Goes Back to Court
Coverage of News Conference on Capitol Steps
Woman Heads Libertarian Ticket
WAKA Talk Back
Libertarians Make it Official
More Excited than the Lt. Gov.
Huntsville Times Coverage of PTA Candidate Forum
Video of PTA Candidate Forum
Guest on 96 Rock
AP Coverage
Nall Launches Flash for Cash Campaign
Columbia Journalism Review Coverage
Free Talk Live
A Womans Fight for Freedom in the Birthplace of Rosa Parks and Helen Keller
National Media Blitz Begins
And this is where things stand now.
Last nights appearance on Alan Colmes was moved to Monday, May 8 at 10 p.m. CDT. When they called me the gentleman on the phone was very apologetic. I just laughed and told him that if the worst thing in your day is getting bumped off of a nationally syndicated radio show by the head of the CIA and Patrick Kennedy then you're probably doing ok in life. Further, Monday is a much better news day than Friday.
Alan Colmes has the greatest scrolling headline ticker about my appearance on the show. It seems he actually gets the meaning behind the campaign, unlike some others I have run into. Who would have thought people would be so uptight in the year 2006? I'll admit though that I am having fun watching them get their drawers in a wad over their own warped perception of my Flash for Cash Campaign.
The FOX News Version of Colmes site has a somewhat different spin on it though.
And I am currently #7 in Technorati Search
I can now honestly say that I know exactly what the Coyote feels like when his ass is strapped to that ACME Rocket!!

Many thanks to all of my readers, campaign advisors, supporters and friends for making all of this happen.
Help me get ballot access and then we will even more fun.
Your Compatriot in the Fight for Liberty,
Loretta Nall
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Are Loretta Nall & Sen. Ted Kenendy Hooking Up?
From the FOX News website of Alan Colmes radio show .
Friday, May 5th
Alan tells you what's on tap for tonight's show.
Ted Kennedy's Plan
How does the Massachusetts senator plan to get America back on track? He'll tell Alan how he would fix things up in the U.S. Plus, meet a voluptuous candidate with a unique fund-raising strategy, and find out why she's willing to flash for cash!
Have Your Say!
Call Alan at 1-877-FOR-ALAN (1-877-367-2526).
They kinda make it look like I am about to be Ted Kennedy's next Chappaquiddick victim. God that's a scream!!
Friday, May 5th
Alan tells you what's on tap for tonight's show.
Ted Kennedy's Plan
How does the Massachusetts senator plan to get America back on track? He'll tell Alan how he would fix things up in the U.S. Plus, meet a voluptuous candidate with a unique fund-raising strategy, and find out why she's willing to flash for cash!
Have Your Say!
Call Alan at 1-877-FOR-ALAN (1-877-367-2526).
They kinda make it look like I am about to be Ted Kennedy's next Chappaquiddick victim. God that's a scream!!
Alan Colmes Headline Ticker!
Alan Colmes has a fantastic scrolling headline ticker on his website.
Thanks Alan. I am very much looking forward to Monday evenings show.
Thanks Alan. I am very much looking forward to Monday evenings show.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Alan Colmes Appearance Postponed Until Monday
My guest appearance on the Alan COlmes Show has been postponed until Monday, May 8, 2006 at 10 pm CDT.
This postponement was due to Porter Goss resigning from the CIA and the young Mr. Kennedy's tangle with a street barrier.
This postponement was due to Porter Goss resigning from the CIA and the young Mr. Kennedy's tangle with a street barrier.
Today's Media
I expect to get a great deal of media today due to the Flash for Cash campaign.
I just finished up a great segment on Joe & The Poor Boy which broadcasts out of Saginaw, MI. I have requested a copy of the segment.
I'll post throughout the day here as more media continues to pick up the story.
I will be a guest on The Spiritual Politician Friday, May 5, 2006 at 6 pm CST. Listen live at the show website.
The Alan Colmes Show (yes the Colmes half of Hannity & Colmes) just called for an interview. This will take place on Friday, May 5, 2006 at 9:15 pm CST. You can listen live at The Alan Colmes Show website. Live calls will be taken at the end of the segment.
I just finished up a great segment on Joe & The Poor Boy which broadcasts out of Saginaw, MI. I have requested a copy of the segment.
I'll post throughout the day here as more media continues to pick up the story.
I will be a guest on The Spiritual Politician Friday, May 5, 2006 at 6 pm CST. Listen live at the show website.
The Alan Colmes Show (yes the Colmes half of Hannity & Colmes) just called for an interview. This will take place on Friday, May 5, 2006 at 9:15 pm CST. You can listen live at The Alan Colmes Show website. Live calls will be taken at the end of the segment.
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Boobs, Panties, and Courage: How honest elections could change Alabama
A woman's voice for freedom in the birthplace of Rosa Parks and Helen Keller.
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
As Americans deal with the issue of honest elections, feeling for good reason, that an honest election may well be an impossibility today, the citizens of Alabama are confronting the most interesting and provocative choice that has faced them for a good long time.
It is happening in the race for governor of the Camellia State.
The Civil Rights Movement started in Alabama, where Rosa Parks made her stand. So conflict over the issues of individual rights hold place in the minds of its people. A generation ago the issue was the vote for Black Americans. Today the issue is still elections and the individual rights that either die from the steady encroachment of government or are sustained and renewed through the action of courageous individuals.
As with Rosa Parks, Loretta Nall got a wake up call on the nature of government and took action. Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus, Loretta Nall defied the powers and then had the audacity to refuse to back down. After writing a letter on the issue of drug legalization Nall's house was raided. Nall, refusing to be intimidated, came outside to photograph the black helicopter hovering overhead. Standing trial before a judge she was convicted of simple possession of a tiny amount of pot and paraphernalia; she has appealed, the only way she could have a trial by jury. She and her supporters expect that she will be exonerated.
But that did not end her physical confrontations with despotism in Alabama. While visiting her brother at the State Correctional Facility both she and her mother were forced to have their underclothing checked by the Commissar the Panties Believe it or not, Alabama has determined that not wearing panties under your pants is cause to deny visiting privileges to the mothers and sisters of those they incarcerate.
Loretta came away determined that bureaucrats would learn that they are hired hands, working for the people. After that, the twin issues of the panties she does not wear and the plenitude with which God endowed her, became campaign issues and fundraising opportunities to this plucky activist. As America's original revolutionaries learned, you use what you have to do the job.
Loretta Nall is not your typical gubernatorial candidate in any way. Along with being well endowed she is articulate, focused, dedicated, and honest. George W. Bush is not what the Founders had in mind when they created the office of President of the United States. Loretta Nall,is the mother of two; her husband stays home and she works to support them. Her formal education ended with a GED; she married when she was 16. She is a long time activist for individual rights. She is as different from the power elite now infesting government, especially Washington D. C., as is possible and nothing about her is as different from the D. C. Elite as her values.
My most gracious thanks to Melinda Pillsbury-Foster for this wonderful OpEd. LN
by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
As Americans deal with the issue of honest elections, feeling for good reason, that an honest election may well be an impossibility today, the citizens of Alabama are confronting the most interesting and provocative choice that has faced them for a good long time.
It is happening in the race for governor of the Camellia State.
The Civil Rights Movement started in Alabama, where Rosa Parks made her stand. So conflict over the issues of individual rights hold place in the minds of its people. A generation ago the issue was the vote for Black Americans. Today the issue is still elections and the individual rights that either die from the steady encroachment of government or are sustained and renewed through the action of courageous individuals.
As with Rosa Parks, Loretta Nall got a wake up call on the nature of government and took action. Rosa Parks refused to move to the back of the bus, Loretta Nall defied the powers and then had the audacity to refuse to back down. After writing a letter on the issue of drug legalization Nall's house was raided. Nall, refusing to be intimidated, came outside to photograph the black helicopter hovering overhead. Standing trial before a judge she was convicted of simple possession of a tiny amount of pot and paraphernalia; she has appealed, the only way she could have a trial by jury. She and her supporters expect that she will be exonerated.
But that did not end her physical confrontations with despotism in Alabama. While visiting her brother at the State Correctional Facility both she and her mother were forced to have their underclothing checked by the Commissar the Panties Believe it or not, Alabama has determined that not wearing panties under your pants is cause to deny visiting privileges to the mothers and sisters of those they incarcerate.
Loretta came away determined that bureaucrats would learn that they are hired hands, working for the people. After that, the twin issues of the panties she does not wear and the plenitude with which God endowed her, became campaign issues and fundraising opportunities to this plucky activist. As America's original revolutionaries learned, you use what you have to do the job.
Loretta Nall is not your typical gubernatorial candidate in any way. Along with being well endowed she is articulate, focused, dedicated, and honest. George W. Bush is not what the Founders had in mind when they created the office of President of the United States. Loretta Nall,is the mother of two; her husband stays home and she works to support them. Her formal education ended with a GED; she married when she was 16. She is a long time activist for individual rights. She is as different from the power elite now infesting government, especially Washington D. C., as is possible and nothing about her is as different from the D. C. Elite as her values.
My most gracious thanks to Melinda Pillsbury-Foster for this wonderful OpEd. LN
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Nall on Free Talk Live Tonight

UPDATE: In case you missed it... the archive is here.
Alabama gubernatorial candidate Loretta Nall will be a guest tonight on FreeTalkLive beginning at 6 p.m. CST.
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

For Immediate Release
Contact: Loretta Nall for Governor Campaign
Phone: 251-650-2271
Cell: 256-625-9599
email: cnall1@charter.net
Thanks to political columnist Bob Ingram, Loretta Nall is best known lately for two things -- both of them on her chest. "In 55 years of political writing," Ingram noted in a recent column about a photo of Nall, "that was a first for me -- a picture in my column of a woman displaying cleavage ... [my mother] wouldn't have approved of that
Nall, a well-known medical marijuana activist and the Libertarian Party's 2006 candidate for governor of Alabama, isn't one to pass on an opportunity. "When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade," she says. "When God gives you melons ... well, let's not go there." But going there she is, with a new fundraising campaign designed to capitalize on Ingram's touting of her attributes. To raise money for
ballot access, Nall is using Flash animations on her campaign web site. Contributors get a glimpse of the buxom beauty's cleavage or waistline -- and big donors are promised an uncensored view of "the biggest boobs in Alabama politics."
All's fair in love, war and politics, says Nall. "I had to go one of two ways -- don a burqa so that maybe people like Bob Ingram will be willing to talk about my actual platform instead of my anatomy, or go with the flow and use dismissive attacks to my advantage. I don't back down easily. This is, if you'll pardon the expression, tit for tat."
Nall faces Alabama's draconian ballot access restrictions -"the Republicans and Democrats are scared to death of a fair fight," she says -- and must submit 42,000 valid signatures to the Secretary of State by June 6th in order to appear on the ballot with the Democrat and GOP candidates (who face no such hurdle). Her "Flash for Cash" campaign is intended to raise the money required to gather those signatures.
The animations mentioned in this story may be viewed HERE!!!
Members of the media: For this fundraiser to be effective, I obviously can't allow our final animations to be hyperlinked around the Internet, so we've taken several security measures to prevent this from happening. However, we'll be happy to send non-Internet media sources raw files with the security measures stripped away. Simply contact cnall1@charter.net to make the proper arrangements. While we proudly consider bloggers an important part of the media, we're sure you will appreciate why we aren't exposing the links. We do hope you'll link to this page, though. Feel free to lift any of the graphics, too.
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